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gmax makes me ... or an unexpected experience


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I started a new project an I decided to make a more detailled engine. It should be a Shvetsov M-11 radial engine. Modelling was not a problem, but exporting. I made an exhaust pipe and started the gmax-export- function. The result was as fine as I expected: a model with a engine more or less similar to the origin. At the next step I copied the exhaust pipe using the gmax -create array- function and I've got five pipes - one for each cylinder. Normal, and my blood pressure was beneath the limit. I exported the model, started Flight Simulator - and became stunned. As you can see at the picture below, some parts are missing. I tried several variants, the result is still the same: some parts are missing. These are all key-framed parts with an entry in the makemdl.parts.xml. Such as "built in" like l_aileron_key, l_gear, rudder-key ad so on,and also such as selfmade key-framed parts like Mr. Breshnev and Mr. Chrushtshov. In my opinion the makemdl.exe didn't start working off the makemdl.parts.xml. But why? I don't have any idea, I'm crying, my blood pressure is in the sky, my wife left me and my bottle of whisky is empty now... Could anybody help me please? Not at the moment - I'm so frustrated that I'm going to sleep now, but maybe tomorrow?

View attachment 31108View attachment 31109View attachment 31111
Sorry Ralf; I cannot open your attachments.

When you used the array feature, were you creating copies, instances, or References? You should use copy I think.

Does the xml code have conditional hide/show code?
Take a deep breath Ralf. You'll get it figured out.

Gmax is a pretty sophisticated program.

Do you save in stages? You should be able to go back and find parts if yours disappeared.

View attachment 31168View attachment 31169View attachment 31170
Here are the attachments again. First picture is the gmax-model wiht five pipes, thes second ia a screenshot with five pipes, the last a screenshot with one pipe only.
Yes, I used the array feature to copy the pipes, but I used it also to copy the cylinders, and for this it works.
I don't have any conditional hide/show code for the engine parts, I used such a code for the pilots only.

Managing very complex models in FSX


I am not sure that I can help, but I had similar issues developing the F-35 model I am working on - which is an extremely complex model in terms of polycount.

The problem you are having seems to be related to some "undocumented" FSX limitations. It was advertised that FSX models had no restrictions in terms of poly count, making it possible to create extremely complex models - far beyond FS2004 limits.... And this is true, with a catch.

There is still a 64K buffer limit for the draw calls - which in FSX are "grouped" by material. That is, you cannot have a unlimited number of vertices/polygons using EXACTLY the same material - as the polys of every part (even if disconnected) using the same material concur in the same draw calls buffer: this may result in:
- FSX exporter fails to compile
- Mdl is compiled but some parts are not showing correctly in FSX (either do not show at all, or they appear black or they cast shadows and don't show at all... I've seen every kind of weirdness)

SOLUTION (for the problem above - not sure if yours)
-Create several slightly different copies of the material in gmax (e.g. Engine_material_1, Engine_material_2, Etc. which may differ just by 1 point of specular power in the basic material proprieties so they will look the same in FSX)
-Assign Engine_material_1 to some of the engine parts, Engine_material_2 to others, etc. so that each engine part goes into a different buffer
-Compile and be happy

Again, I am not sure this is you case... but this is the magic trick (that professionals want to keep secret) that allows extremely complex models in FSX.

ONE CAVEAT: if this is your case, it is likely you have exceeded the visual complexity reccomended by Microsoft. That means you may have users that will complain about the frame rates (as I have) when compare your model to default ones... :mixedsmi:
:icon_lol:The OP stated he's using MakeMDL.exe and MakeMDL.parts.xml file for his project, which implies he's building for FS9, not FSX...

It is of critical importance when asking questions that one be very, very specific as to which version of FS one is compiling their model!