Go 229 Standalones


Charter Member
I've just uploaded my old Go 229 skins that have been sitting on my HD for a very long time.
Optimised for Ankor's shader mod, but will work without, but you lose the bump mapping.

There are nine standalones in total, had to break them into three .rar files to upload.

Waiting for approval http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=78

That looks terrific, John! I still can't get over how much plywood they used in building these, even if they took care to use metal around the Jumo turbojets. :pop4:
Yea Tom, I wonder how it would have stood up operationally, just seems like a big fire hazard!
Plywood, the original lightweight composite material...

Here's what I'm using for the effects section of the xdp file.

<Effect Type="StartEngine0" EffectName="fx_engstrt_jet" Location="emitter_jet_l" />
<Effect Type="StartEngine1" EffectName="fx_engstrt_jet" Location="emitter_jet_r" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_haze" MinThrottle="-10" MaxThrottle="200" Location="emitter_jet_l" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_slow" MinThrottle="-10" MaxThrottle="30" Location="emitter_jet_l" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_low" MinThrottle="30" MaxThrottle="55" Location="emitter_jet_l" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_med" MinThrottle="55" MaxThrottle="85" Location="emitter_jet_l" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust0" EffectName="fx_jet_high" MinThrottle="85" MaxThrottle="200" Location="emitter_jet_l" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust1" EffectName="fx_jet_haze" MinThrottle="-10" MaxThrottle="200" Location="emitter_jet_r" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust1" EffectName="fx_jet_slow" MinThrottle="-10" MaxThrottle="30" Location="emitter_jet_r" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust1" EffectName="fx_jet_low" MinThrottle="30" MaxThrottle="55" Location="emitter_jet_r" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust1" EffectName="fx_jet_med" MinThrottle="55" MaxThrottle="85" Location="emitter_jet_r" />
<Effect Type="JetExhaust1" EffectName="fx_jet_high" MinThrottle="85" MaxThrottle="200" Location="emitter_jet_r" />
<Effect Type="Shells0" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp0b0" />
<Effect Type="Shells1" EffectName="fx_shells_m" Location="gun_grp1b0" />
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="cockpit_light_uv" PosX="-0.15" PosZ="0.5" PosY="0.75" Pitch="110" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="cockpit_light_uv" PosX="0.15" PosZ="0.5" PosY="0.75" Pitch="110" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_N_gtrail" MinVel="45" MaxVel="160" PosX="-8.4" PosY="0.36" PosZ="-4.5"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_N_gtrail" MinVel="45" MaxVel="160" PosX="8.4" PosY="0.36" PosZ="-4.5"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_high_contrail" Location="emitter_jet_r"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_high_contrail" Location="emitter_jet_l"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="GR_OKL_Revi16D_gunsight" PosX="-0.0025" PosZ="1.615" PosY="0.5375" Pitch="90.5" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>
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That looks terrific, John! I still can't get over how much plywood they used in building these, even if they took care to use metal around the Jumo turbojets. :pop4:

This is particularly terrifying when you consider the quality of the glue that would have been used to hold it all together!:dizzy:

Nice work John!
This is particularly terrifying when you consider the quality of the glue that would have been used to hold it all together!:dizzy:

The same glue was used with others like the He162 Volksjaeger whose wing delaminated mid-flight while displaying in front of Goering. I don’t think the pilot survived.

That looks really good with Ankor’s shaders, the details show really well. :applause: