Golden Age Hawaii Scenery? Anyone still using this one?


Greetings all,

Was visiting a website and came across a scenery pack called "Golden Age Hawaii" by Lynn & Bill Lyons. Also ID'ed as Custom Classics VIII.
Seems to be about ten years old and has the same name at two different sites; It has scenery, aircraft, and flights with it.
Anyone ever use it? Thanks in advance.

Ed Moore
Greetings Ed :)

Thanks for reminding us.

I had it installed on my machine for several years. then after some major 'housekeeping' seem to have lost/mislaid the package.

I remember it as a very nice little scenery/aircraft set, very much fitting with my own predilection for the golden age era of aviation.
Now that you mention it; what a very relevant addition it would make to the wonderful gifts you and Gary regularly treat us lucky simmers to.

Is it still available?

Best Regards,
Nigel :-})
I found it again! from a site called Bob'm not sure if it's still going/active, but there's a lot of stuff there! Hump scenery and MATS aircraft as well. Interesting.

Certainly worth the download! I still have in my Golden Wings install. I love the vintage AI traffic.

I did away with FS9 modern world. It's FSX for modern times and FSGW for pre-jet era. It works for me. :applause:
Golden Hawaii is a basic part of my Golden Wings installation. It was released before GW3 so isn't part of Golden Wings unless you make it so. That's easy enough to do.

The big downside of a standard GH installation is that it disappears Oceania, so if you want to fly elsewhere in the Pacific you'd have to turn off Golden Hawaii. With a very little effort in moving files, it's easy to make a permanent Golden Hawaii that doesn't affect anything else. I got the instructions for that here at SOH. Since I can't find a link to that post, I've patched the instructions in at the end of this post.

Bill Lyons' was never a stickler for historical authenticity, so there are a number of anachronisms. They're easy and fun to correct for those inclined to fiddle around with scenery and traffic, and can be happily ignored by those who don't mind.

The biggest anachronisms are that the fleet is based at Pearl Harbor, with an impressive line of old battlewagons moored in Battleship Row, but there is no trace of Hickam Field directly across the loch. In real history, Hickam was built before the fleet moved to Hawaii. Likewise, the AI planes are typical of the early to mid-thirties (eg., F11C Goshawk and P-6E Hawk, the latter in the unique Snow Owl livery worn by the unit based at Selfridge Field in Michigan) whereas the fleet didn't move to Hawaii until the summer of 1940.

There is an aircraft carrier approaching the entrance to Pearl. It's crude but usable by piloted aircraft.

Those who enjoy a taste of the Golden Age in Hawaii will love this scenery as is, and those who have a Golden Wings installation will find it worth the few minutes to make it a permanent addition.

Those with a compulsion to tinker and a craving for a bit more authenticity can replace the carrier with one of Paul Clawson's movable flattops (and perhaps moor a copy of his USS Iowa in the harbor), make a rough approximation of Hickam Field, and replace the AI with planes typical of the 1940-41 period.

I can't recommend this scenery strongly enough, either in stock form of as a basis for modification, to anyone who likes the old planes enough to run Golden Wings, or even those who just like the occasional dose of retro-ness.

And if you like Golden Hawaii, don't miss the Classic Goose package, featuring Cutter's Goose, Cutter's cronies (including his sidekick Corky, his girlfrield the spy, and that one-eyed bull terrier co-pilot) and the Marivellas Islands in the South Pacific, complete with clandestine Japanese air bases with AI Zeroes and Bettys. But I digress...

As promised above, here's how to make GH permanent without affecting anything else in your FS world:

Permanent Golden Hawaii:

With Golden Hawaii active, go to the scenery\ocen\scenerytb folder and copy all BGLs EXCEPT those listed below into the scenery folder.


Delete any other Add-On Hawaii Sceneries !!!!!!!!!
eg., FSG Hawaii or Airports. (You can keep your high def mesh.)
Mick, I remember doing this with an old install years ago. Once you copy the files, what do you do with them?

I've been wanting to do this to my GW install for a while now. And the Classic Goose install as well. I used to fly those islands quit a bit, but in the Golden Hawaii Sikorsky S43 instead of the Goose.
Mick, I remember doing this with an old install years ago. Once you copy the files, what do you do with them?

I've been wanting to do this to my GW install for a while now. And the Classic Goose install as well. I used to fly those islands quit a bit, but in the Golden Hawaii Sikorsky S43 instead of the Goose.

Copy them into scenery\ocen\scenery. At least, that's how I interpret the instructions. I believe that's how I did it when I set up my current GW3 on my current confuter last winter. Just back up the entire scenery\ocen folder just in case my memory has failed me - and if it has, please let me know so I can update my instructions file!

Easy enough to test - make the changes, check to see that Golden Hawaii is there, then check to see if New Zealand or anywhere else in Oceania is still there. If nothing is missing, you have a permanent Golden Hawaii and the rest of the Pacific is present too.

I see that I no longer have a scenerytb folder at all, so I guess that can be deleted. That would make your permanent GH really permanent.

As for the Marivellas, there's nothing special to do when you install the Classic Goose package. Bill put the Marivellas in an otherwise empty piece of the vast Pacific, so there's no conflict with anything else. If you still have my USS Lexington World Cruise installed, you'll find the Lady Lex approaching the Marivellas from the south. You can launch from her to scout the secret Japanese bases, or you can take off from one of those bases in your favorite Japanese recce plane and scout for the Lex.

Let us know if the permanent GH directions work as well as I think they will.
Kellet KD-1 repaints for Golden Age Hawaii

Well now if your not to fixated on HISTORIAL ACCURACY, see the below pictures:


please let me know if your interested in any of these old girls.
Take care.



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Hi fellows

I am not very active on the site, but I am a great fan of Bill Lyons, and especially Golden Hawaii, Golden Wings and Classic Goose. I find that some of the best places to be. If someone cannot find the files, there is still a site hosting the legacy:
I will try what the permanent installation improves, but I would welcome the help of anyone to place the Oklahoma in Pearl Harbour.
There is one little thing that bugs me, and that is the addon scenery that makes a base for the Clippers.
If I have that active all textures go to low resolution, while I think this base was a beautifull addition.
Does anyone have a solution for that?
P.S. the Florida files of MoCat are also fantastic


or the Scotland files from Froggy, not to mention Tom Constantines work.
But what went wrong? where have these people gone?


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Well now if your not to fixated on HISTORIAL ACCURACY, see the below pictures:


please let me know if your interested in any of these old girls.
Take care.


What a pretty little autogyro - they can be great fun to fly!

Ed: Just thinking; the Golden Age Hawaii scenery you mentioned would also provide a splendid backdrop for Milton's awesome looking Grumman Mallard when the time comes.
Thank you so much for the many generous contributions from yourself and team.

Of course we're interested in these pretty damsels!!! :jump:
It's still in the Avsim and Flightsim libraries... I just checked. No reason to be worried about hosting it somewhere new.
I'm still enjoying Golden Wings very much. The late 1930s is my favorite period of aviation. Last October/November, we ran a London to Melbourne race event based on the 1934 MacRobertson race, but set in 1938. I flew the Warwick Carter Gee Bee Z in it and my current GW flying is taking it back to the start via the rest of the way around the world. (I flew it to Mildenhall from Springfield Mass before the race ever started)

But what went wrong? where have these people gone?

Most retired from creating FS Addons. Unfortunately the Golden Age of Aviation has a somewhat limited audience. I drift away from it now and again, but it keeps pulling me back. I keep checking the major sites for stuff I can use in Golden Wings. I just did a major drag through FlightSim's library this morning and have a bunch of goodies to install. That's the great thing about FS, there's always something you can tweak.

I believe the developers involved in projects such as Golden Age Era probably visualized what could be a totally new sim experience.

The concept is entirely viable for both FS2004 and X, and would evolve as a truly new Flight Simulator. It would be a truly massive undertaking, but ahhh!..what if?
As Willy rightly reminds us, it's probably targeted towards a limited audience.

But there are those of us who live in hope, and I might add with much gratitude; the inspired work of good folk such as that seen here by Ed Moore, Garry Smith and Tom Gibson at Calclassics is a brave inspiration and example to us all :)
I added some more AFD and AI to the Oklahoma Air Race.


Here an AI Curtiss following the train and ...


barnstorming - still as AI.




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Got it set-up! SWELL but ......

Very fun scenery and aircraft but the aircraft CFG for the Kellet required many
adjustments: Max & Min weights, too low and reversed - 355/544 not correct.
Engine power way off, 24 HP and 4 cylinders - so, I have an adjusted
"aircraft.cfg " if anyone wants it. PM me and it is yours. Also created
a third PANEL for use in Garry's repaints (12 of them). Everything else is
great and working well - so far!
Take care.
