Golden WIngs...taxiways and ramps are black


Retired SOH Admin
I have two installs of Golden Wings, one for GA and one for military aircraft. In both installs, the taxiways and parking areas are a texture is missing. Anyone else experience this issue or know where I poke around in to fix this issue?

golden wings uses coral for the taxi ways not tarmac
you have to change them
Okay, this gets weirder. I actually have three installs of GS3. I did a fresh install of FS9, deleted the moden planes, the Lessons folder and Lesson sounds, the runway_detail.bmp.....all of this according to the GS3 install directions. I ran the GW3 installer, followed by updates 1 and 2. Dropped in the river bmp. Then I installed the HDE Clouds and set the install up to use Rhumbafloppy's LOD 5 and LOD7 World Mesh. Then I burnt that all to DVD, and did two copy and pastes of that to a new folder called Golden Wings GA and one to a new folder called Golden Wings Military. All three installs should be identical.

The original GW3 install shows grass for the taxiways and ramps at KMFD (my default airport since it is found in GW3, SW, and normal FS9). The GW GA and GW Military do not show the grass on the taxiways and ramps at KMFD (or any of the larger airports that have taxiways and ramps)....those installs show pitch black....not tarmac, not asphault....pitch black with no texturing at all.

This is an issue that doesn't affect everyone; it depends on the peculiarities of your system.

It was, I believe, the very first issue to be recognized and corrected after GW was released. The fix is a texture file that you should find if you look around in the Golden Wings downloads pages:

I think it might be in one of the updates.

If you can't find it, send me a PM with your e-addy and I'll send you a copy.
We still have a support forum for Golden/Silver Wings at the old Hangar if anyone needs more help.
Reinstalled updates 1 and 2 for Golden Wings into the two installs that are showing the black runways and change what so ever. ! GW install is fine, the other two (which are copy/pastes of the one that is working) shows black runways and ramps. Anyone? Beuhler?

I'm pretty sure there is a fix mentioned somewhere on the GW3 website. I believe I got there from The Old Hanger site. I think it was in the forum section as stated earlier here.
I know that's how I fixed my install of it. Sadly, that was one computer ago and I never did reinstall it on the new one. Maybe someday.
Good luck
Here ya go.

Read the included note.

First it tells you to delete a certain file. If that doesn't do the trick, then you add the included files.

Shoulda attached this to yesterday's post, but I forgot that we could attach zip files and other file types as well as images.
I found the problem...with the help of this thread and a thread over on The Old Hangar. I was deleting the wrong file. Instead of deleting the Taxiway_detail.bmp, I deleted the Runway_detail.bmp. Taxiway, Runway....not sure how my brain was getting those two mixed up..but it was.

Mick, I dropped the files you attached and everything in my GW GA and GW Military now works.

Still can't figure out why my initial install did not show black taxiways (showed them to be grass covered....which is how I thought they should be) while the other two showed taxiways as black. Just goes to show that a computer is only as smart as the person using it....which might explain why my PC has a tendency to drool.

Thanks all for your help.
