Golden Wings question
I would like to ask a few, hopefully not too stupid questions here to demonstrate the depth of my lack of knowledge about FS9.
I'm running FS9 on a separate, external drive, in order to save space on the computer's primary drive. My installation there is called Flight Simulator 9. Would it be possible to run a GW-only copy of FS9 on the same hard drive by renaming it?
If this can not be done, the other solution is to go ahead and install the second copy of FS9 on the computer's primary drive. With GW installed in this 2nd copy of FS9, as the description says a lot of the larger airports disappear or are downsized - hence their system resource draw as a scenery object goes down. This will probably be negated in turn by installation of the new terrain mesh(es). I would like to install every vintage aircraft I have in my external "hangar" file into the GW edition of FS9, thus cutting down on the number of aircraft that would need to be installed and flown on the original FS9 - to be used by WWII-era and later aircraft. Does this sound workable?
Sounds like the RR41 add-on would be a natural for GW, with the exception of the ATC routes as these are WWII-era.
One last question - DC-3 Airways would be a natural add-on for FS9 GW. When I go to their site, to do anything at all, I'm told by my machine I have some problem with JavaScript, and I can not thereafter enter the site. Is there a fix for this?