Good news from Flight Replicas


In case you're wondering how Flight Replicas' FSX aircraft do in the new MSFS, we've been trying a few out thanks to Plane Converter. For the most part, the more recent the release, the better they do. The fewer the 2D gauges in the VC, the better, for example, as they only show as white outlines. There are still many issues, of course, and hopefully MSFS will increase the adaptability in the future.That said, the B-24 Liberator, DC-4/C-54 and Halifax all perform well. External animations/visibilities activated in the VC don't work (with the exception of the Halifax bomb doors - no idea why), and the lack of bump maps and proper texture adaptation externally means things are off visually, especially with natural metal finishes.

Other aircraft (like the Heron) would work well if just the transparency textures (gauge and window) could be changed to work in MSFS. If there's time, we'll look into that.

Those images look so real! I don't have MSFS 2020 yet mainly due to the lack of warbirds and steam-gauge, round-engine vintage types but the inclusion of the B-24 and DC-4 would do it for me (and let's not forget the C-87).
Just resurrecting this thread to point out that FR have a 50% off sale this week ... in case you would like some old iron in MSFS.
I bought the DC-4 and am really pleased with it in MSFS ... going back for the Liberator :)
Some gauges don't function but the essential ones do and visually it's 99.5% (one switch has the white line but that might be fixable).
Yes - the pics above are FSX/P3D Flight Replicas aircraft in MSFS using the legacy importer.
So not MSFS native, didn't intend to mislead, sorry.

I'm flying the DC-4 in MSFS.
(PS car767 - your PM inbox is full)
Step 1 use the legacy converter
Step 2 - if you have a P3D original you need to convert the MDL files to FSX format using ModelConverterX
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