Good to be back in the virtual skies


P-38 nut
I'm slowly getting FS9 up and running again after a long hiatus. Having never put FS9 (or any other flightsim) on Windows 7, 8, or 8.1, I found getting it up and running on Windows 10 took a lot of searching and reading forums. I'm still running into weird issues, but it's getting better.

Took "GG" out for a spin around Kauai tonight (was there IRL a few weeks ago!). Between not having the controller sensitivities to my liking yet and the fact that I am very rusty at flying, the landing was really bad :dizzy: Kinda embarrassing seeing as I used to be able to land her on very short, narrow strips in practically zero visibility.

- dcc


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Willy, you still flying that Connie with those dancers in the back? :wiggle:

Seriously, though, do you guys still fly online once in a while?

- dcc
Welcome back!

I took a few years off, and when I returned a couple years ago I was amazed at how much I'd forgotten! I'm still re-learning things I knew back when.

So if you find yourself scratching your head over something you thought you knew, you're not the only one!
Willy, you still flying that Connie with those dancers in the back? :wiggle:

Seriously, though, do you guys still fly online once in a while?

- dcc

Got a Connie or three in the hanger. Although my Lockheed of choice lately has either been Milton's Lodestar or the old AlphaSim Shooting Star (which I'm very good at making smoking craters with)

Yes, we still try to fly online almost nightly on the SOH server on Monday through Saturday nights. We miss some nights, but we're mostly there (at least a couple of us anyway). You (and anyone else here) are more than welcome to join us.
Mick, certainly a lot of head scratching going on near my PC these days!

Paul I remember that one!

Willy, can you remind me --- what is the IP address is of the server? I may join you guys once I get everything up and running the way I want it.

- dcc
thanks Milton and Willy. I'll try to join you guys one of these nights. Looking forward to it.

- dcc
Hi Dave, many thanks for your Lightnings! Ive enjoyed hours of flying them. I'm running fs9 on windows 10 too, and it's working very well.


Nice to see you back here. Your Lightnings have provided and still provide plenty of enjoyment for CFS2. In fact, I was able to do the 20th Fighter Group campaign in the ETO through July, 1944 with them! :encouragement:

Use your Lightnings in FSX almost every time I fly in the Solomons - always a treat.

Thanks for them!
It's been a while since I've launched FS9, I won't deny. I'd almost forgotten how much fun it is, especially with your fantastic Lightnings.
It's been a while since I've launched FS9, I won't deny. I'd almost forgotten how much fun it is, especially with your fantastic Lightnings.

Paul, I did a double-take at the screen shot ... at first I didn't think it was my '38, it looked way better :jump: Is that one of your repaints? Gotta get that one.

To all the others who've replied... thanks for the kind words, it's great to hear the my P-38s are still getting some use, in FSX and even in CFS2 after all these years. I'm having fun rediscovering them.

If you haven't visited my site for some time, you might be interested to see all the P-38 photos I've taken since I left on my hiatus from FS. In 2010 I had the opportunity to attend the big P-38 gathering and have been to a few singular P-38 exhibits as well. The site is

- dcc
Quite a remarkable collection of photos on your site! That "gathering of P-38s" in Sacramento must have been pretty special. I want to know what four P-38s in formation sounded like..!

In your GG pics, I see a couple of sneakers on the rudder pedals in the cockpit photos. You didn't actually get to sit in the cockpit of Glacier Girl...?

That is my "Putt Putt Maru" paint. It's in our "liberry" HERE.
It's very good to see you around again, David!

If you ever make it to Colorado Springs, this is the latest flying P-38 restoration to emerge, completed by Westpac/on display at their facility ("The National Museum of WWII Aviation") - the combat-vet P-38F 42-12652. They've also got a J-model, just around the corner, for the Flying Heritage Collection.

View of the cockpit while it was still under restoration/not yet complete.

John thanks for posting those photos! That one is on my must-see list since it was completed. Looks a lot like GG. I had hoped to see it this year, but wasn't able to work it into my travel schedule yet. I had heard about the J as well. I think these two have been "in the works" for quite some time.

- dcc