WF2 - No, this wasn't necessary. But, in a way, it's a good thing: It graphically depicts exactly the sort of behavior that I believe has resulted in the 'shutdown'.
I can say that I've *always* followed the forum's rules, and I doubt very seriously that my being here had anything directly to do with the shutdown. Indirectly, what my being here has illustrated is something I've pointed out many times - you dare to disagree with some here, or to express something negative about OFF, or dare to be *too* enthusiastic about RoF - and you're treated very poorly. It's not just me - it's happened to others as well.
In fact, I can't help but wonder if the sort of behavior we're witnessing right now doesn't explain - entirely - why SOH decided to boot OFF and it's followers. Funny, instead of we few (myself and others) being the 'bad guy', it seems all those who treated us poorly may actually be the reason this is happening.
Just my $.02