Google v Bing MAPS

I just installed the updated version of the maps. In most areas of less populated cities the difference was definitely apparent. I the highly populated cities not so much. The video description mentioned this. I found Google maps in the Solomon Islands not good at all. There was blue ground. There are several map options including AGIS and Apple Mapes. Bing is mentioned if you wish to continue with default. I haven't tried anything but Google and default Bing.

Hope this helps, Tom
Thanks all for the replies. Think I will stick with the default for now. I do a lot of my flying over the desert ranges in Nevada and California and I find the ground cover to be very bland and not at all representative of the real thing so was looking for some alternatives.
Collensr, Good choice! I did an uninstall of the map program. I no longer have water. No telling what other issues. I am doing a new install. Thankfully I have the linker with most all my programs so there will be minimal work to bring things back. I don't care how good things look with Google maps, it isn't worth the hardship of doing a reinstall. This is especially if you don't have "Linker."

If anyone needs to fix their MSFS setup as I did, you can visit HERE. This fix works. There are two .net files that need to be removed to solve the problem of going back to Bing maps. Wish I had never seen the Google map app.
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