Goose is looking a little ragged.....


Charter Member
Bill Lyons classic Grumman Goose, fallen on hard times:



A repaint I'm working on for the flying club I belong to...
Lukin at dose pickturs givs me a Down Home feelin. Reemindes me of the tyme, back whin I wuz 23 and goun to the Juneyur Prom, whin I drove da old Ford Tracktor to the trayler park to pik up my furst cusin fur our date. Rat dar at the frunt of the trayler park was a big ol Cadeelack dat wuz rustid all to heck. Bettsie Sue, dats my cusin, shur lukked gud in dat red dress she was awarin. Dat Cadeelack wuz ownd by her x-husband, Tater. Tater left Bettsie Sue when she turned 16 and sayd that she was gettin tu old.


Seriously, I like it. I have tried a few times to give a plane that rusted and busted look....its a real hard thing to get right. You nailed it!

"Hangar Queen" :applause:

I would also recommend to dirty up the engine bmp, and "dust up" the chrome spinners.
Great repaint!

I wonder how this piece of aviation junk managed it to get up to nearly 6000 ft. Won't take her too far away from Barbers point anyway...

@ Obio:
Although none of these words was taught in my english class, I see what you mean.
So this is you the prom's photographer took a pic from? :icon_lol: