Gramps question


charter member past
I have installed Bismarck! Bismarck battleship--downloaded from the SOH Donationware files.

This is said to have been made by Gramps.

Anyway I can contact him?
Anthony Sullinger (Gramps) has been gone from here for a long time. I'm slightly confused as to the Bismarck of which you speak, I thought it was the one by Shessi (see other thread). If there is one by Gramps, FDG fame, point out which download it is in.



I checked Shessi's Bismarck ship downloads, he claims it's based on a model by Erwin Welker. No mention of Gramps. :dizzy:
Rami is right, I was wrong.


I cannot find it to overfly it in in fs9....Flew320 miles due west of Brest, France, in fs9, looking below, no sign of it. Thinking of searrchig the Norwegian fjords around Narvik and Trondheim now...