Graphics Question



Is there any driver that I can download to improve my simulators graphisa capabilities. :applause:
Could be. Usually people update their video card drivers. They seem to come out with new ones from time to time. Just go to the website for the type of card you have and check if there are any new drivers available.
I know it made a difference for me when I got my new computer. Looked good but then updated and it looked great! Sim wise that is.

Good luck
New video drivers, and even motherboard and sound drivers, can improve flight sims. The only way you will know for sure is to try some. When you are ready to install a new video driver, you must uninstall the old driver first. I recommend using the Windows uninstall software routine, then use DriverCleanerPro while in Windows Safe Mode to completely remove all parts of the old driver. Then reboot and install your new driver. Oh, the new driver may reset your screen resolution to something other that what you normally use and it can also reset the resolution setting in FS9, so be ready to reset those settings.
Actually, if you havent already, try experimenting with your computers screen resolution settings.

You have some in FS, and more in your graphics card/desktop settings interface. (Some graphics cards will need you to download their 'tuning' controls for specialty fine tuning).

You can boost your resolution up very high, say over 2,000 pixels wide, work with Anisotopic settings, etc, to really dial in a photo real screen view.

But, you will start to have slower performance.

Having a good deal of RAM (like 3 gigs or more) and a good graphics card is your first requirement, then work your settings. Extreme settings on a low performance computer will still avail you a great view, but extremely slow performance.

There is a balance though. You can usually bring up your visible settings quite a bit before touching the performance balance.. at which you simply back off your settings...

Well first things first, appreciate the remarks. Here's the thing, I recently had my laptop upgraded to a 2 gig ram and a 160 harddrive, yes there is a difference now more than ever, but it's far from running FS2004 at even normal settings.

My laptop only has an Intel GMA 900, which I understand is the rock bottom video and graphics card, now I have Call of Duty on my computer, and that runs beautifully, but I still can't get my head around the fact that flight sims require so much graphic's capability, I guess the massive almount of objects and models has alot to do with it. Damn thing still won't even run Halo well. :banghead:

In the mean time, I going to go look for a driver or something to juice up my graphics card, see how far that's gonna get me. :censored: