Gratitude for Stalin.

Desert Rat

Library Staff
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SteveB, that is.

Just loaded up my Bf109 disc and installed some paints, so far just the Gustav paints installed.

Thanks Steve, they are spot on. (although from my research at the time indicated by the wear and tear on your paint of the night fighter, the 13th rivet on the port wing-root had popped, you clearly have not painted it as such, dropped the ball dude, disappointed!!) :d

Some Pics of my favs so far, everyone has favourites, right?

Ta much,

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He missed a bit of grit in the tyre on a couple of them too, clearly not trying hard enough.

Totally in agreement with Jamie, Steve you are a true artist!
INDEED!!! Let's hear it for "Stalin", possibly the most prolific painter on SOH. I don't have the Bf but I've D-L'd plenty of his other skins...the MiGs come to mind.


- H52
He certainly has done a lot of paints, for a lot of different planes, including the Alphasim MiG-25, MiG-23, the He-111, as well as the FR Bf-109's. Certainly a very talented and exceptional painter. :guinness: My hat is off to him for all of his superb works.

SteveB, that is.

although from my research at the time indicated by the wear and tear on your paint of the night fighter, the 13th rivet on the port wing-root had popped, you clearly have not painted it as such, dropped the ball dude, disappointed!

Ta much,

Are you sure that's a rivet, I'm sure I read something in Adolf Galland's autobiography, when he describes being "upside down wiz notzing on ze clock but ze makers name, und zat was in Hindustani'' and on pulling out of the spin the stowage compartment (in the port wing root) for the pilots' schirmmutze had opened and his favourite had gone.



OK guys I will come clean, I fell in love with the rivet so I kept it for myself, I have just got back from my holidays with it.
We best not go into what happened too the bit of grit or my rivet will divorce me.

Thanks for all the kind words much appreciated.

What a thread title... :isadizzy:

"Gratitude for Stalin...for throwing my mom-in-law into the Gulag."


Anyway, thanks for painting Steve!