Great finds for Alphasim freeware


Retired SOH Admin
T'was over at earlier trying to find a package that has a FSX panel set up for the freeware Alphasim A-10...just really need to panel config so I can set up the A-10 with gauges in the VC for FS9 use...someone sent me a copy of the original panel config from when the A-10 was a payware item...lost it in my recent HD snafu. Didn't find the FSX panel package I was looking for but I did find two very interesting packages.

1) A guy has uploaded the freeware Alphasim Douglas Boston/A-20 package with the original panel bmp, panel config and gauges. Man that 2D panel bmp is SHARP! I am reworking the gauges a bit....replacing them with the stock DC3 gauges to give it a more polished look. The package name is This will get you the full Boston/A-20, with the 2D and VC panel set up. Once I get the replacement gauges dialed in and do some other tweaks to the panel config....better radio stack, better GPS, better engine management pop up....and of course a CD Player, I will share the tweaked panel config.

2) For those who like the freeware Jaguar packs....found a very nice package for the 2D and VC set ups. Very very nice.

Just thought I would share my finds for those who did not know about them.


Oh...if anyone happens to have the A-10 panel config with the VC gauge placement...I would appreciate having a copy of it...don't need the gauges, just the panel config with the panel info intact/
If you do get the FS9 freeware A-10 panel set up OBIO I wouldn't mind getting a copy of it for the freeware AS FS9 A-10 I have.

That VC panel got a bunch of black holes in it. I fly it anyways and use the "W" guages for speed and altitude reference etc.

Was flying it just a few hrs ago. Nice plane.

Got the PM..thanks again, you are a life saver.


Will gladly share the completed panel config...will actually upload it to the library this time. I uploaded a glossy MDL mod some time back...would make sense to upload a full panel set up for the plane as well.


The VC isn't horrible, isn't out standing. It is a bit dated, has no clickables...which is fine by me as I can't use my mouse and joystick at the same time any how...but given the fact the the plane is free, I no reason to kick it out of bed.

Thanks OBIO.
I guess the VC must be comparable to their recently released planes then. It's fine for some fun, since there is no other A-10 with a VC for FSX.
You FS9'ers have one alternative though: the WebInBlue A-10 has a VC (pretty basic, but I was happy to have it, back in time). I'm pretty sure the Alphasim one will look better.
There are a lot of paints for the AS A-10 over on Can't remember the guy's name, but he did basically every unit that uses the A-10. Most are in the standard light gray, but some are different...all are well done.

At one point I had the idea of giving the A-10 reflective texturing and doing up some "throw back" skins...taking schemes from the P-47 Thunderbolt and doing them on the A-10 Thunderbolt II...kind of a tribute thing.

Thanks OBIO. Ironically this A-10 thread has come at almost the same exact time as I have been working on something to give to the community, which is indeed a rarety.

I have assembled a sound effect that does a pretty good job of representing the A-10's, gau-8a, Avenger 30mm cannon.

Now, as my first zip upload ever to anywhere, I will endevor this extremely challenging feat. Hope it goes through. I'm a bit slow, and hope you all find pleasure with it placed in the nose of your favorite A-10 Wart Hog.

Look for it in the effects addons section. And feel free to correct me on any part of it. It is not perfect by no means but I thing it gives a good, in general, accounting of the armament.

The wav file is a recording of a creaking door that needs a few drops of oil. :monkies:
Caramba ! The A-10 model is completely incompatible with FSX, it won't load at all. Ah, better luck next time, I suppose :)
That's odd...I know I saw a FSX panel set up for the AS A-10 on one of the sites. Well, I guess there are a number of FSXs...standard FSX, SP1, SP2, Acceleration. Maybe it will work in standard and SP1...I have read that SP2 and up and a lot of FS9 planes will not work.

Hmm I don't know, really. I think it's like the default CFS2 planes. They would not load on FSX either, with a message telling that the model could not be displayed (not just the usual texture transparency problem).
I miss the default CFS2 planes so much... Yes I know their models were quite poor, and their flight models were quite limited... but they had incredible textures and they had very nice clickable virtual cockpits. I loved flying them all around in FS9, and I would have tottaly loved flying them all over the FSX skies...