Greetings from the Far East (of Canada)


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I found this site while researching details for a manuscript I'm working on, looking for details about maritime military aviation. The site is an incredible repository of facts, discourse and talent. It's a privilege to be a member. As for me, the first book I bought from my own money when I was nine years old in 1975 was "Aces High" which I read and reread, even tracing the illustrations from the appendix and coloring them in! Military aviation been a lifelong source of pleasure since then, primarily for my enjoyment. My family hometown is just up the coast from Botwood, Newfoundland, an early seaplane base, where Sidney Cotton based a flying operation in 1920. PBYs operated there during the war. I'm chair bound with MS and my hands don't work well enough to use flight simulators anymore, but even being a spectator these days is pretty cool.
Cheers and thanks,
Barry Moores