Greg Laws Channel Mission


Charter Member
I got the Channel Mission from Regshanger which includes the Fairey Swordfish Floatplane. It says you have to land in the channel next to the pontoon to rescue Reg from the Germans. Does anyone know how close you have to be to get to Reg? The Arado keeps firing on me before I land and sometimes my plane crashes before I get to Reg. Any suggestions people?
Does anybody know how to get through this mission? How close ought you be to the pontoon to get Reg and how will you know youve gotten him? Any Thoughts?
What does it say the mission goals are? Depending how Greg wrote the mission, it should give you some idea of what is required. The absolute minimum would be to visit all the waypoints and survive.
How can you do it in the Floatplane? The ammo is so very weak! Plus there's no gunsight in the virtual cockpit view. I think I'll carry some bombs or rockets next time to soften him up.
Hi Autothrottle,

Gunsight: Press F3 and after that F5: you will have some basic instruments + a gunsight
Power of ammo: you can adjust the power of the ammo in the settingspart of cfs3 (If I rember right: reallitysettings, but I'am not completely sure: take a look to find out). And after that: make multiple passes and only fire from short range to increase the effect.
