Greg Peppers and Tom Gibsons KC-97 Stratotanker


Charter Member 2015

recently I came across a photoreal spanish paintjob for the CalClassic KC-97 and decided to bring her out again wearing this new dress. Found out I don't have this grand lady anymore but also could not find her on the Calclassic site or anywhere else.

I got the prop textures by Bob, updated mdl files, new effects and VC - everythin' but the '#% original!
Does anyone know if and where it is still available?

Thank you for aiding a simmer in distress - I'm already tearing at my hair!

if you like the civilian 377, there are nice new vc and 2d panels at AVSIM:

apologies if previously posted; dexcription follers:
Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Panels
New! Boeing 377 Stratocruiser and Super Stratocruiser

File Description:
New panel set for B377 Stratocruiser and Super Stratocruiser variants that includes pilot, co-pilot, revised virtual cockpit textures, new gauges, flight engineers and navigator's stations, updated aircraft.cfg files, background texture.bmps in 1024x768 resolution, upgraded radios and autopilot for those busy times...
Also includes RKG Fuelstat (which seems to have been lost after the incident) and alternative mdlv1 and mdlv2 files that offer user control over throttles, prop pitch, and elevator trim in the vc (authors unknown).

Intended for civilian variants of Greg Pepper's excellent and timeless machines only. Has undergone testing and development but users should regard this download as Beta version for now.

License: Freeware
Added: 23rd March 2010
Downloads: 470
Author: Bruce Smythe
Size: 13728kb
Thanks for all the feedback!

:salute: I'm going to spend a pleasurable evening setting up this great plane!

I tried it in FSX Acceleration in DX9 mode of course.
There were no display issues, and only one gauge (HSI) was incompatible.
The virtual cockpit looks quite good I have to say. Too bad there's nothing clickable inside, I would have loved some 2D switches for the basic systems.