Gremlins have painted my GW3 runways


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I installed some new scenery directly into GW3 and it ended up putting white runway makings everywhere. I fixed this issue once years ago and I know it was rather simple. Any help would be great.
My guess is it replaced the grass runway textures in the main FS texture folder. If you have the Gw3 textures somewhere else you can just copy them back in.
Or take a look for other textures if the ones from GW3 can't be accessed without re-installing the whole package.

Thanks for the reply. The runway base is still the great coral texture. It's these annoying white center and edge lines/stripes that have returned on top of it. I think it's AFCAD related. I'll look for some tutorials.
That is of course possible as well...I would think that this would require changing every AF2 file though....where changing the underlying texture simply affects a few files.
Runway10.bmp , runway13.bmp , runway 14.bmp and runway15.bmp are the grass, turf and gravel and sand textures if I remember that right, having just opened them...but the old noggin is a bit fried already.
Before going too much further I'd look at them in the main texture folder and see if any of them have white markings applied.

However if you suddenly have runway numbers everywhere I think your hunch with the AFCADs is probably the correct one.
