Groom Lake anyone ?


Hi Guys, Ive been putting together a package for Groom Lake using the best existing scenery with flight plans for Janet Airlines, if I get enough interest I'll upload it, here's a couple of pics....


Nah ... no interest whatsoever



Any chance of a "retro'ed" scenery as per 1950's/1960's era, when U-2 and A-12/YF-12s were being tested?

Might be a nice companion to the 1950's era KEDW I'm working on ....



ps: Craig, I got the latest beta you sent me on our "other project". Looks fantastic, mate. Don't worry about the control surface reversal issue - that was a common occurence on some planes during transonic flight in that era, and it adds a nice twist to the experience. I'll give you the full documented beta review later this week.
Definitely interested....especially in the scenery. I have the Alpha Sim Groom Lake and another one (can't remember which) and neither has the dry lake bed. If the AI planes are easy to find or included with the package, that would be great....and if the air ports the planes fly in from and out to are also easy to find, stock or easy to find. I have a package that adds AI for National Guard bases, but I can't find 3/4 of the required AFCADs so it is totally worthless....which is a shame as it would add C-130 traffic to KMFD, my local airport.

The buildings in the screen shots look amazing!

Yes, very interested.

You might also be interested in the Dreamland Resort site for the very latest satellite shots taken just this past June 29th. Of particular interest is new construction of the new hangar adjacent to Rwy 12/30.
Darn Tootin! I currently have a tongue-in-cheek version with flying UFOs and lots of eye candy but will definitely load this one in when it's time to get serious.
Very nice!!!

Got a quick story about that place, indirectly. I was at Nellis AFB with Attack Squadron 15 in the mid 1980s for a couple weeks. One of our pilots accidentally flew into the "box" which was the no-fly area around Groom Lake. He was immediately told to return to Nellis. Upon landing, he was flown home back to NAS Cecil Field. Not sure what happened to him, career-wise, but I DO know they didn't waste any time getting him out of there!

Got a quick story about that place, indirectly. I was at Nellis AFB with Attack Squadron 15 in the mid 1980s for a couple weeks. One of our pilots accidentally flew into the "box" which was the no-fly area around Groom Lake. He was immediately told to return to Nellis. Upon landing, he was flown home back to NAS Cecil Field. Not sure what happened to him, career-wise, but I DO know they didn't waste any time getting him out of there!
I always wondered what would happen if an aircraft suddenly had an engine failure around there, and Groom just happened to be the only airstrip the pilot could reach in time. Would they just let him crash, or is there a plan of action in case that happens?
Groom Lake is in Restricted airspace (R-4808N). Look at the chart here:linky
There are other Restricted airspace areas and an MOA surrounding Groom Lake as a buffer zone. So if you managed to have an engine failure close enough to require a landing at Groom Lake you would have violated Restricted airspace several times and probably been intercepted and ferried out of there long before reaching gliding range.:kilroy:

Ahh, the "box" is a lot bigger than I thought. And from Navy Chief's story, not even mil pilots are allowed (unless, they're from Mars? :kilroy:), so probably no chance of any aircraft there unless they're supposed to be there.
Note that there are now two versions on Craig's web site: the one in the screenies above, which depicts Groom Lake as it appears today, and a vintage version that depicts it as it was around the early 1960s.

The file name indicates 1960, but the presence of the AI Lockheed A-12 Blackbird moves it forward to at least 1962.

Of course, if you delete the Blackbird and add a couple mid-fifties support aircraft to go along with the U-2s, you can push it back to 1955, which is when Groom Lake became a test base to host the U-2 flight test program, and close enough for "Flight Simulator 1954 - A Half Century of Flight."

Here's the link to Craig's web site: