Ground Enviroment Pro Setup help.



Hey ya'll I just bought Ground Enviroment Pro and was wondering about the best angle of attack on what and how to install it in FS9. I got the program installed and setup but there is a lot to check uncheck and whatnot and dont know whre to really begin. Any help and advice is greatly appreciated.
Hey ya'll I just bought Ground Enviroment Pro and was wondering about the best angle of attack on what and how to install it in FS9. I got the program installed and setup but there is a lot to check uncheck and whatnot and dont know where to really begin. Any help and advice is greatly appreciated.

It will take time to really utilize GEP, because you can make your own custom textures for clear, partly cloudy, cloudy, and overcast days, GEP has defaults that are used.

On the check and uncheck, check both Global Coverage day and night. Unless you have Ultimate Terrain Europe installed, leave the last two items unchecked. If you have UT-E installed, check these two items also.

Read the instructions and be informed that it will take 20 - 30 minutes for GEP to build your custom textures, so make them and allow GEP to do so whilst you are at other chores.

Do you guys know if you can set up GEPro to work for a FS install on an external hard drive? I need to move all of the textures everytime I run it with a batch file I made. :banghead:
