Ground scenery blurries


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Hi all,iv`e updated my assets file to the ''wiekniera'' level 1st release (ZX files deleted) and now find some areas of darker green dense foliage slightly blurring,does anyone know whats causing this as every other scenery is fine.
By the by i haven`t got ankors shaders to work yet or sweet fx so i`m stumped.
Hi all,iv`e updated my assets file to the ''wiekniera'' level 1st release (ZX files deleted) and now find some areas of darker green dense foliage slightly blurring,does anyone know whats causing this as every other scenery is fine.
By the by i haven`t got ankors shaders to work yet or sweet fx so i`m stumped.

i use his new verison , with no other addon ,,,,,,,,,,sweetfx, try solo ,,,, and all see how looks
if i new how can send you my whole effects folder and asset folder save yours and try ,,,,,,,,also how i config,,,,,,,but need a large emailer ot send ,,,,,,im hone tonight after 9pm canada time