Ground speed question


There are variances in how aircraft taxi on the ground. From a stopped position and minimum throttle most will stay put until throttle is added and will coast to a stop when power is reduced again. But some seem to stick to the ground and others will gain speed even at minimum setting. I recall that 'minimum_on_ground_beta' values will affect this behavior but not all respond to it and I don't think there is such a value for jets. Can these be fixed?
You can try this and see if it suits your need. It will allow you to change AI taxi speed.
One of the major differences between FS9 and FSX is they reduced the ground rolling and static friction, quite a lot. It is possible to reduce the default FS9 value, which I believe is what the post above concerns.

Good luck: T
There are variances in how aircraft taxi on the ground. From a stopped position and minimum throttle most will stay put until throttle is added and will coast to a stop when power is reduced again. But some seem to stick to the ground and others will gain speed even at minimum setting. I recall that 'minimum_on_ground_beta' values will affect this behavior but not all respond to it and I don't think there is such a value for jets. Can these be fixed?
The Posky B757 is a good example of picking up taxi speed at throttles set to idle.
It of course also depends on the ground texture you are sitting on in FS. There are different friction values at work for tarmac, asphalt and so on.

In general neither one of the simulators seems to have this "nailed" however.

So if I can change the rolling friction where can I do that? I know that changing the static thrust will fix the rolling problem but then the air performance will be off.