Grumann F3F Reworked


Charter Member 2011
Couldn't find the original thread, and only got round to installing this now...
Just wanted to say Well Done to Cazzie and Obio, it's a treat!


The plane is better in the sim than in the screenshots, good work on the alpha and prop blur.
Amazing to think it's an FS2002 model...
Yep..Cazzie did an amazing job making that old plane look like a new one...superbly done skins for sure.

Thanks Phantom. As I said, this is one of those planes that really does look much better inside the sim.
Go for it...think I'll go do a Cuban 8.
With smoke.
Wing Z, I take it you got those at FlightSim. That's the first time I uploaded to them and I made a big boo-boo! In all of the textures, I forgot to send up the cowl texture, All! I was kicking my butt all day Friday! I am such a numb nut!

The eight default planes have the default red cowl textures of the first texture. My add-ons have no texture at all.

Anyhow, I sent up the cowl textures in a zip yesterday and FlightSim should have them up.

One of these days, I am going to get it all right. I am going to get the package right the first time! Arrrg!

Anyhow, if any get the package from FlightSim, get the cowl textures that should be up today!

Great screens Wing Z, thanks for the kind words y'all.

Ah! got it.
I've had a similar experience in the past - as the zip is uploaded you realise you have a goof.
In my case, the quick fix immediately uploaded unfortunately also had a goof...a new, different one. :pop4:

It'll be easier with these textures, just to drag the files over into the respective folders. (Some of the texture folders have a space in the name and so won't overwrite the older ones ;) )
Cazzie, not to complain but the files needed to be renamed when I attempted to update the FS2002 version from AH self-installer. Was that by design? If so shame on me... thanks for the great new skins. They are great!!!
BTW; I D/L them from FLIGHTSIM this afternoon. EDIT: The files in the fs2002 folders seem ok. FWIW: the files in the repaint folders are ok too. It seems the letters "bu" were somehow added to the file names when being copy/pasted within my system. Ok now, but the repaints 7 thru 11 do not show yet. My bad - must be me. Sorry. Ed
A sequence of latin dancing steps ?? :engel016:

Ehh no...[YOUTUBE]fl7l4a9-NZo[/YOUTUBE]

They are fairly grunty and so can pull the uphill bit.
In fact they are just made for a bit of formation work too.


Wing Z, I take it you got those at FlightSim. That's the first time I uploaded to them and I made a big boo-boo! In all of the textures, I forgot to send up the cowl texture, All! I was kicking my butt all day Friday! I am such a numb nut!

The eight default planes have the default red cowl textures of the first texture. My add-ons have no texture at all.

Anyhow, I sent up the cowl textures in a zip yesterday and FlightSim should have them up.

One of these days, I am going to get it all right. I am going to get the package right the first time! Arrrg!

Anyhow, if any get the package from FlightSim, get the cowl textures that should be up today!

Great screens Wing Z, thanks for the kind words y'all.

Cazzie,...I'm a wee bit confused. Are these 'new'F3F re-paints that you've uploaded at Flightsim any different from those that you previously (originally) uploaded here at the SOH? Or the same with newer enhancements?
Cazzie,...I'm a wee bit confused. Are these 'new'F3F re-paints that you've uploaded at Flightsim any different from those that you previously (originally) uploaded here at the SOH? Or the same with newer enhancements?

Oh no Brad, if you got them here, you have the same ones. I just got a paid account at FlightSim and decided to load them there, as not everyone knows of this place.

And like I do when I uploaded here, I botched the qwhole thing by leaving the cowl textures out.

I will never try to do that many textures and send them all up at once again, never. My brain is still recovering from the trauma!

Wonderful vid and great screens Wing, where can we get some smoke?

Some time back Real old Salt and I did some mods for this plane, he did the Gulfhawk and I did a FM running the plane in FSX for the London Melbourne race. Was even pretty nice in FSX, just missing a few things like visible flying wires and needing a few new gauges.

A real classic! T
... where can we get some smoke?Caz
Heh it's all inside, you let it out by pressing the "I" key (all you need is fx_smoke_w in the effects folder).
It's so strong you can let it out all day, and it won't break! ;)