Grumman AA5 repaints



Hi all,

Finally managed to get on here at last. Thought i'd let you know about some repaints i've been doing of the AA5-A & AA5-B by Tim Conrad using the paintkit i discovered. I've put in links as uploading onto this site isn't happening atm,

AA5-A repaint :

AA5-B repaints :

These are also available at

The repaints have the correct plane registrations added to the VC and 2D cockpits. I also enabled the second fuel tank which means you now have to switch between them during flight as in the real aircraft. I also added an alpha channel to all my repaints enabling chrome spinners etc, where appropiate.

I'm also considering doing a new .air file as the weights of the aircraft are off plus the engine data for the AA5-A is also inaccurate. Currently messing with airwrench to get this right. Hope you like them :)
Thanks a lot. I've tried to leave the interior alone as i know Tim's dog was special to him. The other thing is, i know these are supposed to be for FSX as well but i was always under the assumption that used DDS files. I'm still in two minds if i'll do a proper FSX version of these repaints as i believe Tim did an updated VC for the FSX version of this plane
This is a question for Tim. I noticed the FSX versions use the BMP format for the AA5's. Is it not better to use DDS textures remembering to flip them first? Obvious advantage would be file size.
Yet another query i'm sure i won't get an answer to, how do you get the VC to work in FSX for this plane? I've applied the FSX update supplied by Tim and i do get the VC up but with no gauges. I've stuck the relevant gauges where they should go but no joy. Anyone got this working at all?