As the civvie cargo version of the Grumman C-1A has recently been the topic of attention, I thought I would remind you of the existing work for the plane.
This livery was originally developed to be included in the release of the cargo model, but Milton became impatient with the time it took for me to complete my thorough retexturing of the rear fuselage interior and released the plane early, without this fictional livery. As the cargo version was a bit of an afterthought and was released with no fanfare in the midst of a hectic and busy time with the overall Grumman 7 project, I thought that the work never really got noticed amid the bustle. With Willy's recent texturing work on the C-1A Cargo version, the work I did on the interior becomes more relevant, as the existing models cargo bay is not detailed in any way. I therefore invite Willy and anyone else who is interested in texturing the plane to use my interior work with what ever modification is required - so long as it is credited.
This livery was originally developed to be included in the release of the cargo model, but Milton became impatient with the time it took for me to complete my thorough retexturing of the rear fuselage interior and released the plane early, without this fictional livery. As the cargo version was a bit of an afterthought and was released with no fanfare in the midst of a hectic and busy time with the overall Grumman 7 project, I thought that the work never really got noticed amid the bustle. With Willy's recent texturing work on the C-1A Cargo version, the work I did on the interior becomes more relevant, as the existing models cargo bay is not detailed in any way. I therefore invite Willy and anyone else who is interested in texturing the plane to use my interior work with what ever modification is required - so long as it is credited.