Grumman Goose G21 Redux II


Charter Member
Please forgive me asking another question about a vintage aircraft. I have searched a lot in the forum but haven't found an answer.
It's about the MSFS Grumman Goose G21 Redux II by OzWookie.
Was the aircraft ever equipped with a working radio stack? And, if so, where can I find the download?
Or is there perhaps a guide to making the necessary changes yourself?

I think that one never got updated anymore since the big-radials one came out . Dont know for sure though.
Thank you for your informations!
Well, unfortunately the Goose 21A Redux II will end up in my storage hangar, what a pity. (Unless I find a way to make the radio stack work myself.)
Unfortunately, the Big Radials Goose G21 doesn't convince me.

Everyone is making retro panels for glass cockpit planes. It would be nice if someone went to the trouble to make up some updated cockpits (At least the 1970's/80's) for classics. That is my pet peeve against 2020/2022. Since 2002/2004/FSX/P3d. I could mostly just hop into FS Panel Studio and fix what I wanted. Would it kill them to put a removeable tablet on the yoke or side of the windshield for a GPS? Maybe a configurable gage set like a certain freeware crew is doing with their Cessnas? Some of us want to fly in the 21'st century...