gray eagle
I'd like to know why the Grumman Goose is part of the basic inventory of P3D V4 and yet it cannot be previewed or flown.
There is no panel or sound folder. I think there is a aircraft.cfg, so is this an AI aircraft or what was the desired results
by including a non functional goose in the mix?
There is a Ozx G21 and HP version that will work, I'd have to rename the folder of the P3D stock non working goose as the
Ozx version has same folder name. And that gets P3D going batty when loading up the inventory and splash screen of P3D V4.
So, I am asking any P3D V4.5 user out there about all this and also about the aircraft.cfg file in the stock P3D folder, is it suppose to be there?
I wasn't sure if it was as I was trying to add a panel/sound from the OZX version and couldn't remember if I added the aircraft.cfg. I think I
renamed it aircraft.bak and then later I deleted the panel/sound and renamed the aircraft.bak to .cfg. P3d still doesn't acknowledge it presence.
Appreciate any feedback on this please.
There is no panel or sound folder. I think there is a aircraft.cfg, so is this an AI aircraft or what was the desired results
by including a non functional goose in the mix?
There is a Ozx G21 and HP version that will work, I'd have to rename the folder of the P3D stock non working goose as the
Ozx version has same folder name. And that gets P3D going batty when loading up the inventory and splash screen of P3D V4.
So, I am asking any P3D V4.5 user out there about all this and also about the aircraft.cfg file in the stock P3D folder, is it suppose to be there?
I wasn't sure if it was as I was trying to add a panel/sound from the OZX version and couldn't remember if I added the aircraft.cfg. I think I
renamed it aircraft.bak and then later I deleted the panel/sound and renamed the aircraft.bak to .cfg. P3d still doesn't acknowledge it presence.
Appreciate any feedback on this please.