Gun and cannon button assignment


Charter Member 2016
After a long time getting my install back to Windows 7 after a Windows 10 install, which screwed up most of my games after the latest update.

Got CFS3 install done and flying in ETO 1.5

My problem is I assigned the guns to button one on the Joystick and the cannons to button 2.

When I flew the FW190 button one fired the left side cannons and then button 2 fired the rest of the guns on the cowl and right side cannons.

Anyone know what is going on here? I can see that the ID for the different weapons are not correct, but to fire both guns and cannons are a puzzlement.
Which FW-190 would that be, Steven?

I've also changed from 'all guns' #1 button and 'cannons only' #2 button 'machine guns only' #1 button and 'cannons only' #2 button.

I've tried all 10 FW-190's in ETO 1.5 and can't
duplicate this problem but I vaguely remember it.
Sorry I have been gone for awhile

It is 3GR FW190A-8. I have not tried it yet on the other versions. I looked at some of the others and they work, So it is in just that planes config. file, I think.

Will look into it more, may be just an entry,I will and let you know

Thanks for the reply