Gun/weapon effects help needed

Pat Pattle

I've been trying to make an AA gun that has tracer that looks like the stuff in this clip of the Dambusters movie:

I haven't had any luck so far, anyone have any ideas? It doesn't need to be the sort that explodes, but should whizz past you. Also, how do you get it to fire at a greater range? All types I've tried so far only engage when you're nearly on top of them.

No points for guessing where this may be leading!



Did you try to add the tracer effects to the weapon's xdp?

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<General Allegience="" LongName="" ShortName="" ModelName="" BlastDamageScale="1.0" ImpactDamageScale="1.0" FireDamageScale="1.0" Priority="2" Type="weapon" EnteredService="01/01/1942" BlastDamageMod="0" ImpactDamageMod="0" FireDamageMod="0" AllowSpawn="n" Category="weapon" Country="Germany" Mass="0.68502"/>
<Description String=""/>
<Weapon WeaponType="shell" ImpactDice="1" ImpactDieSize="1" ImpactOffset="270.92" BlastDice="1" BlastDieSize="1" BlastOffset="1182.30" BlastRadius="10.2" FireDice="76.1" FireDieSize="1" FireOffset="100" ExplodeEffect="fx_struct_l" GroundEffect="fx_grndexpl_m" AirEffect="fx_airexpl_m" WaterEffect="fx_wtrspray_l" TracerEffect="fx_tracer_blue"/>

Of course you'll need to check the effects file for this but the most recent ETO has it.

Then in the guns folder get the 37mm xpd

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<General Allegience="germany" LongName="" ShortName="Bk3.7-Flak18" ModelName="" BlastDamageScale="1.0" ImpactDamageScale="1.0" FireDamageScale="1.0" Priority="2" Type="gun" EnteredService="01/01/1942" BlastDamageMod="0" ImpactDamageMod="0" FireDamageMod="0" AllowSpawn="n" Category="weapon" Country="germany" Mass="295"/>
<Description String=""/>
<Gun GunType="gun" Range="547" SoundName="c75" Rate="2.7" MuzzleVelocity="820" TimeAlive="4" Noise="0.01" DefaultWeapon="AvHistory_gr_round_Bk3_7-flak18"/>

Chnage the 547 to 1000, that should have the guns fire at 1000 meters

If this works seem to remember some NJG aerodromes ..........
Ted's lines ought to do the job, make sure in the round xdp to have the weapontype value set to "shell". Also you may need to change the gun xdp guntype value to "flak_gun". "gun" might work in this place or it might not, you'll have to experiment to see which you want.
Many thanks Ted and Daniel :) After a couple of hours tinkering I've got it looking fairly close (it looks better than it does in the screenie). All I need to do now is make it the 3 colours of green, yellow and red that Gibson noted in his book.

Here's what I have at the moment.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<General Allegience="germany" LongName="" ShortName="20mm" ModelName="" BlastDamageScale="1.0" ImpactDamageScale="1.0" FireDamageScale="1.0" Priority="2" Type="gun" EnteredService="01/01/1940" BlastDamageMod="0" ImpactDamageMod="0" FireDamageMod="0" AllowSpawn="n" Category="weapon" Country="germany"/>
<Description String=""/>
<Gun GunType="flak_gun" SoundName="c127_land" Range="3000" Rate="12.50" MuzzleVelocity="500" TimeAlive="1200" Noise="1.5" DefaultWeapon="Dam_20mmflak_round"/>


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<General Allegience="" LongName="" ShortName="" ModelName="" BlastDamageScale="1.0" ImpactDamageScale="1.0" FireDamageScale="1.0" Priority="2" Type="weapon" EnteredService="01/01/1940" BlastDamageMod="0" ImpactDamageMod="0" FireDamageMod="0" AllowSpawn="n" Category="weapon" Country="neutral"/>
<Description String="Shell"/>
<Weapon WeaponType="gun" ImpactDice="1" ImpactDieSize="1" ImpactOffset="0" BlastDice="1" BlastDieSize="1" BlastOffset="0" BlastRadius="1" FireDice="1" FireDieSize="1" FireOffset="0" ExplodeEffect="fx_flak_m" GroundEffect="fx_bltgnd_l" MissEffect="fx_tracer_orange" AirEffect="fx_tracer_orange" WaterEffect="fx_bltwtr_l" TracerEffect="fx_tracer_orange"/>

From research I did a while back IIRC for the most part German 20mm flak used green tracers, 37mm used red, and light MGs used white (yellow?) or red.
Sound Name

Interesting stuff, Clive!

I see the gun has SoundName="c127_land". Maybe you could filch the sound from a smaller gun, similar in calibre (which I assume is 20mm?)
From research I did a while back IIRC for the most part German 20mm flak used green tracers, 37mm used red, and light MGs used white (yellow?) or red.​

Interesting, that ties in with Gibsons book too, the crew were discussing what sort of flak it was coming at them and whether it was 20 or 37mm.
"Aggressive, aint they?" was one comment!

I see the gun has SoundName="c127_land". Maybe you could filch the sound from a smaller gun, similar in calibre (which I assume is 20mm?)

Yes I've not dug that far into all this at the moment so will try that. :)
Youtube link seems inoperable? All this useful for all night missions so watching carefully!:salute:
Hi James, Just checked the link and all is well, have also watched the film again tonight. :) Lots of inspiration!