GUYS!!!!!......we need one of these for FS2004!!!!


Charter Member 2015
C'mon guys. Rally up. We need a twin of the beautiful Pasped Skylark for FS2004.
...So head on over HERE and cast your vote in appreciation.

...Pay the craftsman some respect.

............Get on your knees and beg for one!!!!

Beggin twont do eeny gud. Mr. Lionheart...whu flies FS9...has muved on tu FSX fer his compnee develupment. Der ar thangs thut he wunts tu do wid his modlin dat FS9 whil not let em do. Mr. Lionheart...bless his pea pickin noggin...had hisself a sereeus case of da whut tu dos some time back on wether he shud continyu modlin planes fer FS9 er not seein as how he wud haf ta make tu modls of each usin FS9 limitashuns and anudder one usin FSX limitashuns. Da man power involved in makin tu diffrent modls was tu much on hisself and the folks who wurk wid he set hiz brane on makin FSX planes onlee.

Man, is it tough typing in hillbilly.

Hey guys,

I am right there with you.

<--- FS9 guy to the bone

Its just that all my sales are FSX based and I can create models with extreme details and sharpness with having no limitations. With FS9, the Gmax compiler has a limit of how many polygons you can have, and a limit of how small parts can be. Small parts turn into welded clumps, and huge models over the model size will simply not compile.

I tried hiring people to create a new compiler. No one took it. I just found out about a week ago that Luca at had created a way to get around the issue. If I can figure out how its done, I can create the Skylark and the Epic Victory to FS9 format.

What I am able to do when the limits are taken away is awesome..............................!


Bill did a remarkable piece of modelling there. It looks very realistic.
It is almost tempting to join the otherside if one really cann't live without it.
IMHO it would be more challinging to build one, instead of begging for one.
But there are a few problems with that.
- the lack of good 3d plans
- it wouldn't be fair towards Bill's business
- the lack of time. Already to many projects on hand.


hope you manage to get them working for this olé dog (FS9), if you build them, we will come (or at least I will :d). Admittedly, I have them all bar the FSX-only Legacy. If I ever decided to stick with X, I would grab it within a second. That doesn't look likely to happen anytime soon, even though X runs pretty nice on my comp. 9 ismy mistress, and she has plenty of life in her olé bones yet, she's good enough to keep me coming back for more every time.
