GW and SW...order of install


Retired SOH Admin
I have a fresh install of FS9, updated to 9.1. No other add ons or enhancements. I was a GW and SW install. What do I need to know/do to have successful installs? Will the following work with GS and SW?

Real Environment Pro

HDE Clouds

Shockwave Lights Package

Rhumbafloppy's LOD 5 and LOD7 World Mesh

As far as an order of install,
Install Shockwave lights to fs9+update first then copy for GW/SW.
Not sure how REP, HDE clouds will work together or not? I would install to GW and SW separately.
Install mesh to GW/SW.
Just got GW3 installed. Just the basics at this point...the main GS3 install, the 2 updates. Just stock aircraft. Took the DC-3 up for a quick spin out of KMFD (Mansfield Lahm, Mansfield, home airport) and was BLOWN AWAY by the changes. Farm land as far as the eye could see...barns, fields, little white farm houses. No big city staring me in the face. Yeah, I'm gonna like this A LOT!

Going to drop in the HDE Clouds, set it up to use Rhumbafloppy's mesh, swap in the environment map I use. Once I have it to that point, I will burn it to DVD as a base install.

Then begin slowly and thoughtfully adding pre-1950s aircraft. There are a ton of planes in that general ball park in my main FS2004 install, and honestly, a lot of them I don't fly all that often...or at all. I am a plane horder...but having hundreds and hundreds of planes that I really don't use is just a bit silly.

Is there still AI in GW3 or are there AI packages available. Don't want to be flying around in empty skys.

I found out the hard way that there is still AI in GW3...I was puttering along in the Curtiss Jenny (which I think is the most beautiful plane of all time bar none) and I was over flown by a Stenson. Darn near made me poop my virtual pants.

Yes, I deleted all the modern planes :jump::jump::jump:.


First of all, I do not use Silver Wings, only Golden Wings 3

Here's what I can tell you. Anything you install in FS9 will work in GW3, you just have to make extra sure you direct the installation, if it is executable like the FSGenesis meshes or any other executable add-ons. Manually move aircraft, add-on scenery, modules, etc. into the proper GW3 Folder as you would FS9.

I don't use REP in GW3, I leave Bill's texture there. I do have the old US Roads in GW3, but do not use Ultimate Terrain. I did give in and install the HDE cloud textures in GW3 also (after backing all of Bill's up), it is just an added dimension. I use FSGenesis 38-meter DEM mesh in GW3, again it just adds dimension. I use both the Fly-By and F1View Modules in GW3, but not Active Camera, it will only license in one. I cannot use the Flight Recorder module in both FS9 and GW3, only in one or the other. No Shockwave lights in GW3, just too bright for the time period. Heck, most of the aircraft I have in GW3 don't have lights! :icon_lol:

You might want to check out The Old Hangar. Lots of downloads for GW3. A language.dll for SW. And a forum with very nice folks.