h2s Map Display uploaded


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H2S ‘Map’ Display
This is a new attempt to replicate the Bomber Command WW II H2S radar display; examples of which are with this upload. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H2S_(radar)

Originally, Frosty and I talked about this using the TAC display and he produced a version which is also up loaded here http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforum...s.php?catid=13 under the name “TOW-ACC H2S Radar Set.zip”
However this did not really replicate the original H2S display and I have talked about this with various people as can be seen in the SOH threads
And http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforum...-map-to-an-H2S
From which one can see those who contributed the majority of this work; namely Joost “Frosty” from his original TOW-ACC H2S Radar Set, and Andy “MajorMagee” who did most of the current work on bmp and files.
Rob ‘Capt Winters” first helped me along to look at the possibility of using the CFS3 map as a basis. (A small point; the stock dlgingamebriefmap.xml can have the Movable="No" changed to Movable="Yes", but this does not work on the h2s version.)

The upload consists of
1. A lcf to bmp images folder. This includes
a raw cfs3eurlcf.bmp files wehich one can use to make one’s own h2s bmp
an altered cfs3eurlcf.bmp, cfs3eurlcf2, which just has the water made black
3 alternative complete h2s bmps.
*** Only ONE should be chosen and renamed “h2s.bmp” for actual use. ***
The idea is to give you choices or allow you to do your own thing
2. An alt_low bmps folder in case you would rather base the h2s.bmp on the alt-low map.
3. An overlay bmp choices folder. *** Choose only ONE and rename it overlay.bmp. ***
4. An h2s Files folder. This will be needed; see install section.
5. A Stock Files folder. Also will be needed.
6. An h2s_Screen.bmp. Needed as is.

Note: This is based on you either not having an ETO install or if you do have one, you are already in the Era you want to use this!

1. Place your choice of a h2s.bmp file in your C:\CFS3 ETO Expansion\uires\map folder, or whatever and wherever your install is.
2. Place the h2s_Screen.bmp in your C:\CFS3 ETO Expansion\uires\help folder, or whatever and wherever your install is.
3. Place your choce of the overlay.bmp in your C:\Combat Flight ETO TOWplus\uires\common_screens folder, or whatever and wherever your install is.
4. The you can place the 2 folders, “h2s Files” and “Stock Files” either in your install main folder or wherever you like, BUT remember the batch file(s) must correspond to where you put them. The 2 batch files here assume you have placed them in a “C:\CFS3 ETO Expansion” main folder. If not you must change the content to match where everything is.
5. The batch files are currently .txt files and must be changed to .bat files after you have decided where the above 2 folders are going to be placed. The batch files will change out 2 files: the dlgingamebriefmap.xml in the dialogs folder, and the mapdata.xml in the main folder. Have a look at both files in both folders to note the differences.

I may be contacted here at SOH if help is needed.

This was from the old dot com site but now it seems all the links have gone and I'm not sure how to bring them and other old ones back?
Hi Mongoose,

If you can tell me on what page this download is and where the links point to in the new library, I can edit the description.

Hi Mongoose,

If you can tell me on what page this download is and where the links point to in the new library, I can edit the description.

I have found it but only because I worked out when I did it!

I think that I need to check what's up here as batch files are not giving what they should. I think thatI need to understand what's going on with the dlgingamebriefmap.xmls and mapdata.xmls. IIRC Andy made the H2S ones but so far I am not getting the end result in game.
I think that I need to check what's up here as batch files are not giving what they should. I think thatI need to understand what's going on with the dlgingamebriefmap.xmls and mapdata.xmls. IIRC Andy made the H2S ones but so far I am not getting the end result in game.
I wonder James what are the .xml's properties and security settings that may be preventing the batch files to alter the files. Another item may be compatibility of the bat files themselves if running win 10.
I'll look into it but IIRC, I think that I have looked at the actual files in the install and they reflected what was asked for. I'm running win11.
Still having issues. I want this, but am getting just the same thing but in the regular map format. All the files inc. the overlay are in the advised folders, and the dlgingamebriefmap.xml reads (my bold)

<Dialog Image="uires/help/h2s_screen.bmp" Movable="No" ZOrder="Top" Offset="10,10">
<Button ID="Cancel" X="6" Y="6" Width="50" Height="50" NoCaption="Yes" Image="uires/common_screens/overlay.bmp"/>
<Label ID="ctrl6" Caption="" X="520" Y="21" Width="80" Height="14" FontName="metaltype" Align="Center"/>
<EditBox ID="edtDescription" X="517" Y="51" Width="247" Height="441" ReadOnly="true" Image="uires/common_screens/overlay.bmp[1]" FontName="textfontflt" Textcolor="#000000,#000000,#000000"/>
<MissionMap ID="map" X="6" Y="6" Width="500" Height="500" Image="ctrl"/>
What I want

mapdata.xml is

!--This file describes what images should be used for displaying the Campaign/Waypoints map-->
<!-- Alt specifies the minimal altitude (in meters) starting from which the given map image should be displayed. -->
<Level Alt="500000.0">
<Map Image="map\h2s.bmp">
<UpperLeft Lat="N45 29 39.5581" Lon="E9 21 50.2722"/>
<LowerRight Lat="N28 30 20.4946" Lon="E30 38 9.6909"/>
<Level Alt="200000.0">
<Map Image="map\h2s.bmp">
<UpperLeft Lat="N45 29 39.5581" Lon="E9 21 50.2722"/>
<LowerRight Lat="N28 30 20.4946" Lon="E30 38 9.6909"/>
<Level Alt="0.0">
<Map Image="map\h2s.bmp">
<UpperLeft Lat="N45 29 39.5581" Lon="E9 21 50.2722"/>
<LowerRight Lat="N28 30 20.4946" Lon="E30 38 9.6909"/>
<Icon Type="airbase1" Image="common_screens\airbase_blue.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="airbase2" Image="common_screens\airbase_red.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="airbase_empty" Image="common_screens\airbase_gray.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="bridge1" Image="common_screens\bridge_blue.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="bridge2" Image="common_screens\bridge_red.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="factory1" Image="common_screens\factory_blue.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="factory2" Image="common_screens\factory_red.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="railyard1" Image="common_screens\railyard_blue.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="railyard2" Image="common_screens\railyard_red.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="port1" Image="common_screens\port_blue.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="port2" Image="common_screens\port_red.bmp[2]" Alt="1000000."/>
<Icon Type="hq1" Image="campaign\map_btnBlue.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="hq2" Image="campaign\map_btnRed.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="hq_human" Image="campaign\map_btnGrn.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="hq_plrnat" Image="campaign\map_btnYel.bmp[2]" Alt="0."/>
<Icon Type="trgsec" Image="campaign\map_TargRed.bmp[1]" Alt="0."/>

what I am now getting is this which is the wrong 'map' which shoud be a yellow


and while I'm on the subject, I wanted to delete all the icons in the map but it didn't seem to make any difference??
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So I tried this in another install and got the same result as just above. I am wondering if the [1] in the dlgingamebriefmap.xml line " Image="common_screens/dropbox.bmp[1]" has any relevance?