Haguenau scenery for FS9

ian elliot

Haguenau in France, 15 miles north of Strasbourg and close to the German border.
Originally an airfield used by the French army, seized by the Germans in 1940 and developed
into a night fighter airfield until late 1944. Although ideally placed for NF operation's, it was heavily attacked 3 time's by the allies, 2 daylight raids by the USAAF 8TH, and a particularly devastating lowlevel attack by P47 Thunderbolts in the spring of 44

This is a rather basic airfield, as i didnt have much to go on, just hangers and a few vehicles, figured i'd let you guys play with it.
A suprisingly short runway at 2700ft, which i double check'd , i struggle to take of with a fully fuelled-up Me 110, but it work'd for them :)

There is a traffic file included using Groundcrew's FS9 BF-110 G4----
http://www.mrjmaint.com/RegsHanger/...4 Planes/Ground Crew Design FS2004 Planes.php
Im using this as a static, there's no movement, but it is a model with the right unit markings for Haguenau

The only objects you'll need is---
Wolfi_Obj_lib.zip, JD's conversion of Wolfi's CFS2 objects.
Thanks again Ian. Finally I get some room for my virtual Luftwaffe :biggrin-new:


Didn't a fat German bloke say that some 80 years ago?......:icon37:...

Many thanks Ian, again great for choice and airfield hoping and mission building.


Didn't a fat German bloke say that some 80 years ago?......:icon37:...

Many thanks Ian, again great for choice and airfield hoping and mission building.



Do you mean a certain "Herr Meyer?" :biggrin-new:

Haguenau scenery for FS9 runway lights

Hallo Ian,
at first thank you a lot for this new airfield.
I was astonished that even there where nightfighters there, that the airfield had any navaids.
But there was a permanent light for the runway ENE - WSW.
In the zip is the afcad file and some info for german airfields
Thank you again
Herr meier

"Wenn je ein englischer Bomber über Berlin erscheint will ich Meier heissen."
Tja und dann hiess er eben Meier
Durch die Luefte peest er, Herman heest er
Genau Papi! :biggrin-new:.

And thank you for the document on the German airfields :encouragement:

When I was in the Air Force, the Netherlands still had 11 military airfields. And nearly all of them were developed by the Germans is WWII. This was a bit ridiculous for a small country like the Netherlands. Wwhen I was stationed at Ypenburg (Flugplatz Den Haag) near The Hague, I could see the aircraft take of from NAS Valkenburg (Fliegerhorst Katwijk) (roughly 13.5 km/8.3 miles in a straight line).
