Half way there. Kinda. Sorta.


Charter Member 2014
:applause: :wiggle:Well, I’ve got the “new” computer up and running. Sort of. Having an ”it doesn’t work” problem with a multi USB port card I had installed. My tech is going to help me sort that out. She was only able to save part of the data (around 2/3, I think) from the kaput HD. She put It ALL on to the newly acquired 1tb external HD. I haven’t looked at it yet because NONE OF MY FREE USB PORTS ARE WORKING!! The MAJOR problem is - wouldn’t you JUST know it - is that FS9 keeps stopping to work. The installation seems to have gone OK. As I’m now running Win7 (64) FS loads to Program Files (x86). The totally default installation worked fine, but as soon as I loaded another plane (the FS9 Aerospool Dynamic from Lionheart) I got the dreaded “Flight Simulator has stopped working” message. It certainly had! I’m sure that this subject has been addressed before, but what can I do to make FS9 work correctly in a Win 7 environment? Somebody. Anybody. Help me.


Your biggest problem with your FS install is that it is in the stock location...the UAC protected Programs folder. Dump that install and reinstall to a new folder, one you create on your own. Install to C:\FS9 for instance. Having FS9 installed to the protected Programs folder causes a TON of problems.

There are those who would recommend turning off the UAC protection system, but that is simply not needed...and not a smart move as the UAC is an extra level of protection for your system and files. By installing to a folder outside of the UAC protected Programs folder, you can keep the UAC active and avoid the problems seen with FS when it is installed to the Programs folder.

And with the Lionheart plane, did you do a fresh install of the plane or simply copy it from an archive disc? If you tried to do a copy from a back up disc, you may be running into the anti-piracy protection in the plane. Do a fresh install from the Aerospool installer and that may well correct the problem...but I still recommend (HIGHLY RECOMMEND) installing FS outside of the stock Programs folder first.

Thanks for the advice Tim :salute:. Question: How, exactly, do I put FS9 in a location different from the Program Files (x86) folder? The only way I can figure out is to do the regular install and then just move the FS folder in to a newly created location (c:\fs9?). I've not tried doing this before so I'd appreciate some guidance. Once I get the FS installation sorted out I probably won't have any trouble with the Aerospool Dynamic. But we'll see.

Having just done a reinstall of FS9 on Vista, if you select to do a "custom" install, you can select the path where FS9 is installed. I have mine in "C:\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\".

Your biggest problem with your FS install is that it is in the stock location...the UAC protected Programs folder. Dump that install and reinstall to a new folder, one you create on your own. Install to C:\FS9 for instance. Having FS9 installed to the protected Programs folder causes a TON of problems.

There are those who would recommend turning off the UAC protection system, but that is simply not needed...and not a smart move as the UAC is an extra level of protection for your system and files. By installing to a folder outside of the UAC protected Programs folder, you can keep the UAC active and avoid the problems seen with FS when it is installed to the Programs folder.

And with the Lionheart plane, did you do a fresh install of the plane or simply copy it from an archive disc? If you tried to do a copy from a back up disc, you may be running into the anti-piracy protection in the plane. Do a fresh install from the Aerospool installer and that may well correct the problem...but I still recommend (HIGHLY RECOMMEND) installing FS outside of the stock Programs folder first.

Is that true of FSX also?Mine is in program files x(86).Is it possible to move my entire FSX folder to my c drive,not to either of the program folders and change the exe path and everything would work?
I don't install ANY programs to the default Programs folder under Win 7.

As far as moving FSX out of the Programs folder to a new folder...not sure that will work since FSX has to be in the registry and have the authentication code associated with it for it to work. You would be better off uninstalling your original FSX install and reinstalling to the new location....which can be a major PITA if you have a bunch of add-ons and such in your current FSX install.

But if your install of FSX is not having any issues and is working fine, leave it alone...don't fix what is not broken.

I think FS9 is the whiny one. As Obio said, if you install FS9 in the "Program Files" folder, Vista and 7 will lock FS9 down and will not allow add-ons to work properly. FSX accounts for the lock down of the Program Files folder.

I DID IT! Uninstalled FS9, then re-installed it in a C:\ folder just named "Flightsim". After that the Aerospool Dynamic installed without a hitch. I'm a happy man! When I resolve the USB card issue my life, such as it is, will be complete! Thanks to all of you for the tips, pointers and advice. See you 'round the house.
