Hampden Bomber?


Charter Member
Hi all,

I'm looking for a Hampden bomber for my BoB series of missions. If anyone has one available or know of one, could you let me know?

Also, I'm having some problems with the RAF Caravan effects. Every time I select them in the mission builder, the file doesn't appear in game.

Any solutions?


The Hampden got handed over to the Masters for final development.
I am awaiting the finals on this, I have a mission package already developed and set up, once She is finished..
Oh yea!!
Thanks Hobbit!

Still up for looking at my BoB missions so far? I'm almost done the first phase of the Battle for the RAF side.
I am willing to have a look at these, Been very busy of late here developing a LARGE historical set for the ETO team.
I have 70+ missions completed so far.
Planning on 100 Historical missions, for the ETO team..

I will have a go at your BOB work as I can.
Thanks for your Great effort in this matter for BOB.
have a great day my friend..:applause:
It is coming along nicely I am pleased to say, Lots of improvements to be shown off in the missions.
And I am amazed at the amount of work in the ETO expansion by the Masters being done..
It is all Too cool!!
:applause: :applause: