Hampden front office help

Pat Pattle

Just looking at the Hampden bomb aimer/navigator position.

In this pic there are a couple of glass pieces besides the seat, are these a fold-up map table I'm wondering?
And the part that has 104 written over it, bomb sight?

Any thoughts / info on any of the items in the pic appreciated :)

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Hi Clive,

Not sure about the glass panels, but the bombsight I can help with. All RAF aircraft had the MkVII or MkIV Wimperis CSBS (coarse setting bomb sight) in the late 30's early 40's

in your picture you can see the base of the bombsight (compass bowl) just under the horizontal bar running through the middle of the picture. and just above that same bar right in the middle of the picture you can see the little knob that was used to adjust the height setting of the bombsight.

the attached pictures are MkVII-IV sight, basically the bomb amimer would set the height on the vertical bar(white tabs either side), the aircraft speed on the horizontal bar (little white point that would be lined up with point inside white circular tabs in screenshot) and then look down at an angle through the two aligned peices. once the target fillied the little white circular tabs and the two pins where aligned the bomb aimer would release his bombs.

the third item to consider was wind drift and how this changed the attitude of the aircraft in level flight, this was corrected with the drift scale (bar infront of compass at base of sight in screens shot) the compass bowl is what you can see in your picture just below the horizontal bar.

hope this helps, regards Rob.


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Hi guys,

another Hampden question - I've been toying with the idea of trying the rear upper turret m3d from an aircraft with a very similar rear upper turret, on the Hampden. Is there any chance that the gunstation could be defined in the cockpit/turret m3d, rather than on the main aircraft m3d?

Hi Clive,

glad I could help, I've already installed the sight into the existing version of the Hampdens.

I have put both planes in your folder on the FTP site, all the files are included to get the bombsight and Steve's VC in the planes. feel free to modify the bombsight files in anyway you wish if it helps your final version of the Hampden.

regards Rob.
Hi David, Clive,

I had the same thought, the baltimore turret fits in very nicely (have permission to use from steve) but we would need a few bits sorted out in the main model for linking the turret. I can get the turret to show in game, but I cant get it to respond to control movements.

regards Rob.
I am very sorry for the confusion on this,
I did send a older model out to the men.
I am correcting this today and sending the New model to all.
I forgot to change the Aircraft in the Missions folder I have for this.
Very Sorry to all..
Rob, your bombsite works Great!!

Hobbit did a stupid thing..
Egg on face and truly regret this..
cfs3 2013-12-14 12-18-34-88.jpg
I've installed the files Hobbit has just sent and this is what I see. Have I really got the up to date ones.
Hi All,
I will shave my feets in penance for this,'
Stupid Hobbit,

I found my mistake today, I have Two Hamden RAR files from Rob.
The first one was the one I sent, The second set had the read me included.

They were different. I was using the first set for months.

Without realizing until today the second set from ROB was the final.

Stupid Hobbit.

Sorry for this.

Proper files sent,
should read : ( HP Hampden 49Sqn 1940 )when selecting from the QC menu..
I discovered what is up ALL..

I loaded this into all my Advanced set ups and also into my Stock (Virgin) MAW set up..

In Stock(virgin) ETO 1.40 The bombsite is Black.( Screenshot 001)

In MAW stock(Virgin) it shows up (Screenshot 002)

In my, ETO advanced & CFS3 advanced installs it is there, ( Screenshot 003)

It seems there is a needed shared file ( or something) in MAW that ETO 1.40 (stock) dosen't have to make this work.

In my advanced CFS3 and ETO I have imported all the files from MAW.
And the Bomb site works.

But in My ETO 1.40 stock (Virgin) I don't have the MAW files imported..And No bombsite..

Go figure, and I don't know which file is needed..
Perhaps someone might have a way of sorting this out..


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Hi all,

I'm away from my PC for a few days, Owen the only file needed to make the sight show up is the texture file bem4site.dds

if you go to the FTP site and look in clives folder (pat) you'll see a Hamden folder, download from there those files are deffinately complete. That should fix up all the issues
regards Rob