Hi Clive,
Not sure about the glass panels, but the bombsight I can help with. All RAF aircraft had the MkVII or MkIV Wimperis CSBS (coarse setting bomb sight) in the late 30's early 40's
in your picture you can see the base of the bombsight (compass bowl) just under the horizontal bar running through the middle of the picture. and just above that same bar right in the middle of the picture you can see the little knob that was used to adjust the height setting of the bombsight.
the attached pictures are MkVII-IV sight, basically the bomb amimer would set the height on the vertical bar(white tabs either side), the aircraft speed on the horizontal bar (little white point that would be lined up with point inside white circular tabs in screenshot) and then look down at an angle through the two aligned peices. once the target fillied the little white circular tabs and the two pins where aligned the bomb aimer would release his bombs.
the third item to consider was wind drift and how this changed the attitude of the aircraft in level flight, this was corrected with the drift scale (bar infront of compass at base of sight in screens shot) the compass bowl is what you can see in your picture just below the horizontal bar.
hope this helps, regards Rob.