Hampden is in Action, sent to testers..


Charter Member
The Hampden is ready as a WIP Work in Progress Beta model..
I have sent Her with a couple of missions to be tested.
Thanks for the help from so many..
Thanks for the new environment files used also with this ETO advanced set up..
Looks unbelievable!!
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Had to adjust the time in these from my XP machine, without the added effects from the new environment files..
Changed the way things looked completely (to the Better)
And there is Much Rejoicing!!

**Just Sent out the corrected CC model Hampden with the permitted VC**
These missions run well,Bravo!:applause:
The aircrafts still need some work....:ipepsi2:
Off to the workshop!:running:
This Hampden is just a WIP Beta model. the masters looked at her and determined that a complete rebuild in G max was needed.
It is a model from CFS2 by: Ted Cooke, (in the read me)
Master Steve gave permission that the basic VC included could be used..

I am trying to build missions that will enhance the Beta model Hampden we have to use for now..
The CC skin is from Master Magee, this model is the same except for the skin, I have corrected the CC model for upload now, not what I sent to to be tested..
Many Masters have had a hand in this effort to get the CFS2 model converted as much as possible without a complete g max rebuild.
Will refine the missions and upload soon..