Hampden update progress


Charter Member
I wish to thanks Ted Cook and Clive for this wonderful bird.
and Thanks to the Masters who are working hard to see she gets a go in CFS3

Several kind souls are helping with the Upgrade for this bird and progress is being made to get Her out to all..
Been wrecking her whenever I get the chance..oh yea! :icon_lol:
I don't have the skills needed to do any of this, But I am grateful to the Masters who are helping a hobbit..
:salute: :salute: :salute:
Looking forward to seeing this one finished off! With the Blenheim and soon the Beaufort we'll be in great shape for early war British bombers.
WOW! Thanks Major, I am grateful for thew help Imam recieving on this bird..
She will be a WIP (Work in progess )..
But something very useable when the kind souls helping with this are finished ..

I was hoping to send this to you Major to have a look at the gunstations.
When she is to this point..

Thanks for the links, I am trying to sort out some historical mission to add to the CC package I have built..
The most important thing, of course, is that there should be a No.44 Squadron skin...
I am looking forward to this aircraft. I would like to use it in my upcoming 41/42 Campaign for ETO.
Hi all,
Been on the loose here.. In North Carolina, helping a friend..
I had a chance to earn some money and also see a place I truly love again..

I am getting back to all of this ..

In the next few days I will be sending what I have to another Master to look at..

Several of our talented and kind Masters are all working on different parts and needs for this..
That way no one person has to do many many hours..

So now I am back..and only had to use the "Ring" once during the adventure..:applause:

Southern girls are wonderful but sometimes even a hobbit has to RUNAWAY!!
Thank God for the Ring! :icon_lol:

Back to Our beloved CFS3 and expansions..
Grandfather mountain area.. Avery county, Newland/Linville..
I many years ago traveled here often..
I was blessed to return with the chance to earn a few dollars and help a friend..
The Blue Ridge Parkway is a Road I have traveled many times in the past..:applause:
Rather unexpectedly I again got to be there once more..
I was going to guess Linville, looks like the gorge is just up the valley there. Beautiful area, spent many a weekend backpacking all around there. And of course Blue Ridge Parkway can't be beat for roads with a view.
Looks lovely country Owen, I only know the song by Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. So do tell, did she start carving her name on the Lonesome Pine in the moonlight....? :pop4:

On the Hampden picture .003 the plane drops a mine.Where can I get this weapon with the required files?
On the Hampden picture .003 the plane drops a mine.Where can I get this weapon with the required files?

That is the EMC Sea Mines weapon used..
I will be changing this to the Mine Round in ETO 1.40
Once I get this all sorted out..
Lovely landscape.

Talking about landscape, the 'País Vasco' coast in the North of Spain is beautifull with montains falling into the sea. Last week, I've been to Gaztelugatxe, it was absolutely beautifull. Sorry, I forgot my camera in the hotel that day!... but there are some nice pictures here:
I should re state this..I will have a XDP that will correspond with ETO 1.40..
This way it will limit the need for additional files to be installed.
That is My hope at this point for the Hampden..

I can include a Modded XDP for those who have a advanced ETO 1.40 set up..

Trying to make this as "Stock" to what a Hampden would carry, inline with our ETO 1.40 expansion.
With a Honest Airfile also inline with what a Hampden would fly like in our beloved CFS3 set ups..

Master Led, I liked the pictures of Spain, I didn't make it to the coast of Spain when I went there..My mistake I see now..
If you are ever in this neck of the woods , I would love to show you some sights along the Blue Ridge Parkway..
Will rival anything in the world for beauty..
I have seen 17 countries I am blessed to say..To compare it with..