Hansa Jet

Sadly, nothing that I know about or can find Pete. There apparently was one in development for "FlightGear" but otherwise it belongs in the folder marked "Interesting and not available".

For those who may not be familiar with the Hansa, here's the museum website: http://www.hansajet.de/indexeng.htm
Thanks for your help.

It's strange there's nothing out there for the sim. Certainly a unique design.

Interesting to see interest in the old bird. I worked on the real one years ago. I always remember how big the airplane was and how short the cabin interior seemed. Cockpit was very roomy.

Bird wasn't very fast but it sure could slow down in the pattern. Pilots said it was really stable at slow speeds due to the forward swept wings. Had yaw dampers and such for high speed stability.

Relatively heavy airframe. Tip tanks had weld seams like 50 gallon drums.

Some outfit in Florida (I think) had brought two or three into the USA to sell for corporate flying.

Interesting to see interest in the old bird. I worked on the real one years ago. I always remember how big the airplane was and how short the cabin interior seemed. Cockpit was very roomy.

Bird wasn't very fast but it sure could slow down in the pattern.

About 10 ft longer and 8 ft greater span than a Lear 24 (or about the same size -and weight - as a Lear 55 Longhorn) but with the same engines as the -24.
Comment I saw from a Hansa pilot who previously flew F-84s said they both shared the same love of the ground.

Being 'a bit late to the party' it had to compete with the HS-125, Sabreliner, Jet Commander and Lear. In spite of it's redeeming features it was a hard sell from a relatively unknown company (and perhaps some political bias). Too bad in a way because it would have been interesting to see how it did if re-engined with turbo-fans like most of the others.

It certainly was the easiest for spotters to identify tho' :adoration: