Happy Birthday Grunts!


Flame On!
To all past and present members of the United States Marine Corps, a very heartfelt THANK YOU for your service and sacrifice, and best wishes for a very Happy 233rd Birthday!!!!!!:birthday:

Mike aka Cameljockey
former USMCJROTC member and sailor

Sorry, I didn't OT the title. My bad!
To all past and present members of the United States Marine Corps, a very heartfelt THANK YOU for your service and sacrifice, and best wishes for a very Happy 233rd Birthday!!!!!!:birthday:
That must be why my son got to come home for the weekend and didn't go back to base this morning:jump:
Thanks, and Semper Fidelis. The Corps is 233 years young, today. :birthday2

Born in a bar and still drinking and fighting!:ernae:

For a little motivation, here's a nice shot of the flag raised by five Marines and one Navy Corpsman over Iwo Jima in February 1945:
Nope, any infantryman (Marine or Army) is a "grunt", only Marines are "jarheads". No offense taken; we know what he meant.
Grand Hommage à tous ces valeureux et braves soldats americains morts pour la France.


A rose by any other name, would smell as sweet. Yes, they are called "leathernecks" and IIRC that is a term derived from the leather collars once worn by Marines to protect them from sword blows and the stiff, straight collar on the dress blue uniform (correct me if I'm wrong here ns13jarhead, as my USMC history is kinda fuzzy) is also representative of that same leather collar. The term "grunt" is sometimes used as derogatory term in reference to a Marine, much like the term "squid" is used for sailors, however, in this instance it was used with the utmost respect and admiration.


Almost forgot, Happy Veterans Day to all veterans of all the services! Thank you!
Ah yes..... Oooooo-friggin-Rah my fellow Belleau Woodsmen! hahaha The decision that, although brought me some misery, straightened my life out. "Grunt" is not viewed as a negative term in the infantry, its more of a thing of pride. For example:

1st Marine -"Things are getting gay around here with all this POG (person other-than grunt) bull***..."

2nd Marine -"Don't worry though, 1st Sgt Destruktion is a former grunt, he'll straighten things out"

Happy Birthday Marines!