Happy birthday MAIW

ian elliot

There's a lot of activity over at MAIW, its thier 7th birthday and to celebrate, a package a day is being released over the next 7 days, the first out the door is a great looking Italian Tornado package,
typical, im about to take my PC to bits this evening but i'll look forward to trying some of them out when its all back together.
Happy birthday MAIW guys :icon29::icon29:
Wow! ..Only seven years? Seems like ages! Congratulations!
You are really bringing MSFS9 alive.
Happy Birthday, and many thanks for your valuable contributions.

Regards, Stuart
Great community over at MAIW, there is a lot of activity aside from the main packages; the retro forum is especially active, would be right up your street Ian.
As this thread contains news of 7 AI packages being released over the next week, and it being there birthday this thread should get a sticky, all in favour say aye.

Happy Birthday to MAIW! One of the first things I do when I do an FS9 re-install is to add my favorite MAIW bases/aircraft. Thanks a bunch to all of the good folks over there for their TERRIFIC additions to our community.

As one of the founding members, I really can't believe it's been 7 full years already. I really can't. Thanks for all the birthday and well wishes, those are what keep us going.

You guys know we like surprises and of course I can't comment on which new models and scenery may or may not be in development but i will say there is some really cool and very up to the moment stuff in development and people won't be disappointed.

Better yet is that we're getting better at making the packages and their contents more FSX friendly for that crowd. It's still way easier for us to stick to the FS9 platform because that's what we've had for all these years and we can all develop and test for that platform but at the same time make things easier to use in FSX with just a little work on the user's end.

Stay tuned!
Hmmm.... I've gone on a bit of an AI glut since this thread was posted - many precious hours evaporated into the ether downloading and installing many tens (even hundreds) of MAIW packages I did not already have installed...
Not that I regret it! They look wonderful - and MAIW produces some fine sceneries, too! They've got the best versions of some fairly important airports of anyone - I've never seen anyone else do Raleigh, NC or Duluth better!
Thanks for doing what you do

Now... If i may make a request of you... could you consider doing the AH-64s of U42, in Utah? It's an extremely active Army National Guard Base... daily operations of nearly a dozen Apaches.