many, many, many thanks guys... it has been a good day, full of good news... my artwork looks set to be on sale in a Museum in the future (All things going well), i'm cleared for my Visit to the Netherlands for Luchtmachtdagen and also that my Doc gave me the green light on my knee to restart my 'Spartan Exercise' (Ie; VERY intensive) to get back to my prime... my many repaints over the years will continue rest assured of that, ok i can fly FSX now but my heart will always be in FS9, for it is where many of my greatest friends, and colleagues in the community fly... so once more many, MANY thanks for the best wishes :salute:
nord... i managed 7, about average for my many uses for many.... it's almost like 'cat-game' (Those who have seen the film 'Super Troopers' will know what i'm talking about)