Hard disc space?


Just a question

How much hard disc space do I need for a full FS2020 installation?

I have no additions (yet) other than a single extra aircraft and the latest batch of MSFS updates for a total of 150+/-GB on a a 2TB SSD.
That is it, I decided a decent size SSD should be able to handle MSFS for some time to come.
OK, that is an idea…

so, my 1TB SSD will be enough for the start, I think. I ask because there are a few Disc’s to install in the box.:smile-new:

1TB will be plenty. Here is how everything breaks down on my system.

Core files and launcher: 130GB
Community folder (mods): 60GB (this will obviously vary depending on how many addons you install)
Rolling cache: 25GB (you can choose the size of your manual cache, 25GB has been fine for my needs)
Manual cache: Variable, depending on how much scenery you are manually caching
SDK: ~3.5GB

So even with quite a few mods and the SDK installed, a 1TB will be more than enough.
Isn’t it crazy?

My first windows PC had an 8.4 GB hard drive and I thought “so much space”:pop4:, my second had a 20 GB drive, then it goes up to 80 GB, 250Gb, 500GB…, …2TB (and It’s nearly full):pop4::pop4:, now I think about 1 TB for one single computer “game.”

Ssd / m.2

No need to go under 1 TB , and you can use an extern SSD or M.2 on USB 3.1 , if don´t want open your "box" :)
One thing worth pointing out is that MSFS is continually growing, it's already tens of Gb bigger than it was on release. As each World update comes along expect it to eat up more and more space!!

Having said that, I have MSFS, P3D V4.4 and V5.1 and DCS with the default Caucasus and extra Persian Gulf and Channel maps and still have 200+Gb left.
If you outgrow the 1TB drive, you can always use MSFS Addons Linker to keep some sceneries, etc on a second drive.

It's a great utility. I use it to keep loading times down -- I only load airports for the region I'm going to be flying in, with set-up groups like "UK and Ireland," "US West Coast," etc.