Harrier Hides finally released!


Hi all,

today we finally - and proudly - present our Addon Pack for the RAF Gütersloh Airbase, the Harrier Hides:


I decided to detach the Harrier Hides from the RAF Gütersloh threat to better discuss your impressions, suggestions and critism. We hope you have fun with this long-awaited pack.

Many thanks to all of you who waited so patiently! We hope it was worth waiting :wavey:

For that reason, we want to give all SOH users who accompanied us for that long time, this gift as an Easter Egg: The package will be uploaded at Flightsim and Avsim not until next weekend, but you can get it exclusively here in the SOH download section already now:
Thank you too all involved in this project. I am downloading as I type and will put my paint brushes away for a bit and play.

This is the most outstanding scenery addon I have ever experienced in FS9!
Thank you so much to the creators, and everybody involved.
The complexity, quality and detailing is exceptional!
Well done! :applause:
Many thanks for the tremendous amount of work on this. I have a question about viewing the flight operation at the hides: The instructions say that you must be at one of the Hides when the Harrier flight leaves ETUO. Using the provided schedule of seventeen minute flights, I still am not seeing the Harriers land at the hide on the schedule. I am certain I installed everything correctly and am seeing the many flights leaving ETUO, so the bgl. files are in the right place. What have I missed?

thank you all for your kind words. We appreciate each compliment very much.

@ downwind:

Can you see any of our Harriers anywhere? Did you set the traffic density to 90 or more percent? Sorry for asking - I know it from myself often doing some careless mistakes...
I see the Harriers taking off at Gutersloh on the appropriate schedule. I have the traffic set to 100%. The ETUO traffic just fades into nothingness soon after takeoff. I guess they can't be followed to the hides?

Do I understand correctly that I have to be at the appropriate hide at the time the Harriers are leaving ETUO? I have tried waiting for them to arrive 17-18 minutes later, and I get nothing. I set the date for mid-summer and 100% traffic. All I see are the static elements of the scenery, no aircraft.

Is there any way to initiate a flight from one of the hides with AI aircraft already on the ground there? Sorry for being dense. I have never worked with AI in a multi-location situation like this.
Some clarification and some progress

I have corrected my mistake with the Harriers not showing up in the hides. In the manual, it states that "the user needs to be at the hide at the time the Harrier departs RAF Gutersloh". I mistakenly assumed that this meant going to ETUS or ETUH to start my flight. What really needs to happen is that you have to fly from ETUO to either of the hide sites and arrive there before the AI flights have begun from ETUO.

Other than that rookie mistake, the installation of the Harrier Hides is quite straight forward (way easier than getting the Chinook AI helicopters installed at Gutersloh. Allow me to repeat the praises expressed earlier. More are sure to come as the good news spreads to the simming community.
You made my day, mate! Thank you for this good info. Hope you will experience still a lot of goodies at both areas and during all seasons :jump:
I have to announce a texture patch because of a wrong used part of a texture. This part infringes the right of the owner and has been overlooked. Hope to upload it shortly.
I have been doing a lot of testing of the Harrier hides package. Ithought I had problems solved, but am still not seeing aircraft arriving at the hides during the "maneuvers" date /time schedule published with the manual. The traffic setting is set at 100%. Here are a few questions:

If I stay and watch the traffic at ETUO, there seems to be almost a traffic jam of planes trying to taxi into takeoff position, including some civilian GA traffic. Could there be a conflict between bgl. files? With the hides package installed, there is a hides bgl., a ETUO bgl., and a bgl. that controls the civilian air traffic that erroneously appears in the ETUO scenery. I have noticed that Harriers are trying to taxi onto and hold at both ends of the E-W runway at the same time. Those planes at the "wrong" end of the runway eventually disappear. The departing Harriers to not conform to the two minute gap between ETOU departures that is shown on the Hides flight schedule. I also am getting delays in takeoffs as some of the Harriers are returning to land and delaying the schedule. So basically, the "maneuvers" part of the hides add-on is not working at all for me.

I can see the hides construction and the field engine change (noting that I turned traffic % down to zero, as instructed.

Will any of you who have the "Harrier Hides" installed please let us know what your experience has been? ---good or bad?
AI traffic at ETUH / ETUS


AI traffic has its own rules. The schedule is clue but not that precise you guess. AI aircrafts behave sometimes a little bit “special” but the behaviour you describe at ETUO is not typical.
Depending on the wind direction ATC will give the taxi instruction to the runway in use. Then all AI aircraft should follow the instructions and taxi to the holding point (at one ! RWY). Irrespective of what you have seen there, there is no reason in connection with our AI traffic !

The problem can occur at airports with a lot of departing aircrafts at the same time (due to the high AI traffic density) that they accumulate at the holding point. There they disappear at about five minutes if they didn’t have taking off. It’s a problem of TTool and could only be solved by a less amount of aircrafts. He have to make compromises -as mentioned in the manual-. I recommend to set the density exactly at 90%, but at ETUO the problems will persist further on, due to the other AI traffic (with a great amount of aircrafts) which you installed.

-The appearance of civil AI traffic at RAF Gutersloh (ETUO) is due to the default Microsoft AI traffic. From a traffic density of 5% and above, civil aircrafts land and depart from ETUO. This can only be prevented if the density is set < 5% or by changing the default AI traffic.-

I suggest the following procedure: first of all we highly recommend installing Traffic Toolbox SDK by Microsoft. It enables you to follow AI traffic at every destination of your choice. Take an aircraft or better a ground vehicle and position yourself at Monday morning 0941 UTC at Senne Range (ETUS).

Now you should see seven Harriers underneath the camo nets. Turn on frequency 130.10 and hear the start-up request of the first Harrier “Dragon 301” at about 0944 UTC. Then “Dragon 301” gets taxi clearance for take-off RWY 27. All seven Harriers should depart one after another until about 0956 UTC.

After this -hopefully- successful departures, stay at ETUS and turn the time adjustments to 0843 UTC. Some minutes later you should here the initial call of the first Harrier departed from ETUO for landing at ETUS. Then all seven Harriers should appear -one after another- from the east and land at ETUS.

That’s it, no miracle !

Kind regards
Thanks for your thorough reply to my questions.

From what i have found on the Traffic Tools SDK, it is no longer supported from MS and is not available for download elsewhere. I did lower my Traffic setting to 90% as you suggested.

When you say "position yourself" in an aircraft at ETUS, do you mean fly to that location from ETUO or just use the Create a Flight menu and choose ETUS as the airport? When using the latter method, I find no Harriers parked under the netting at 0944 UTC.

Perhaps I should wait until more user experience with the Harrier Hides is available on the discussion forums. At this point, I'm not sure the FS community is generally aware that it has been released, as there are no comments other than mine about it. I might suggest that the manual could be made a bit more detailed regarding the step-by-step use of this fantastic add-on. FYI, my simming experience dates to FS98 and carries through every edition since.

AI traffic at ETUH / ETUS


you are sure that you select a Monday morning during manoeuvre (June 29th - September 27th) ?
Yes, create a new flight at ETUS and taxi south of the Panzerringstraße onto the grass opposite PP#4 (there is a traffic sign and a marshaller [ground crew]) to watch the traffic.

Traffic Toolbox SDK can be downloaded at AVSIM within a greater package of SDKs (fs9_sdk_tool_pack.zip). Informations how Traffic Toolbox works can be found here (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc526965.aspx).

Presupposed you installed everything how we adviced in the manual you MUST see the Harriers, they are no Stealth fighters, sorry.


Still no joy with any Harrier operations during the maneuvers period at the hides. I have rechecked all installation procedures and do show the Harrier Hides .bgl in place in the Scenery/World/ Scenery file, along with many other working AI aircraft traffic .bgl files. At this point I am going to wait and see how other users are fairing with this add-on. I see that this site is still the only source for the download. I also don't see the above mentioned patch being available yet. I suspect there is not enough user experience to tell if there may be an undetected problem. It would be helpful if forum readers who are having success with the add-on would post a few words about their experience so far.

I did download the Traffic Tools SDK referenced above. I have not determined how to use it with my Windows Creator edition Windows 10, if even possible. If I ever get it working, I promise I will post how I solved the problem. It seems that many problem solutions never get posted after a fix is found.

this is very bad to hear about this issue - you are right, I am also interested in any feedback regarding this traffic behaviour. There are currently over 80 downloads here, and please can anybody describe the Harrier movements on his Hides. So we can get some possible solution approaches...
Problems corrected!!

I feel I have overused the available bandwidth with my endless questions, but I am happy to report that I did find to solution to my problem: The flight times on the schedule provided with the Harrier Hides scenery are listed were presumed by me to be the local times in Gutersloh. I discovered after rereading and checking every setting, that the times are actually UTC (GMT in FS9) not locaL times. This caused a two hour error and I was not seeing any Harriers in the hides or in the air. Now all is well. Those of you in Europe may laugh at this rookie error, but here in the U.S. we rarely use GMT (now UTC). We have four time zones just within our country to account for.

Cheers to all for their very hard work on this outstanding effort to keep FS9 the best sim ever!:wavey:
That makes my day, mate. Good to hear this and hopefully you will still have a lot of fun with FS9 :wavey:
A few months on, the Harrier Hides add-on remains at the top of the mountain of FS9 add-on sceneries. It can also stand alone as the best simulator of military flight ops in the cold war era, and makes me wish all airport sceneries and AI activity was as immersive as this one. SunSkyJet KPHL is also quite good for depicting major hub airport operations. Ironically both of these are freeware.

Thanks go out to the creators of both.