"Harrier Hides" Scenery Issue


SOH Staff
I just installed the brilliant "Harrier Hides" scenery and am confident I added all of the proper static scenery per the readme and manual, but for some reason, the aircraft shelter tents/camoflage mesh covers display weird?

File from Flightsim is here :

FS2004 Scenery Of RAF Harrier Hides

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Name: hides_v1.zip Size: 10,422,345 Date: 03-25-2009 Downloads: 480
FS2004 Scenery Of RAF Harrier Hides. A detailed representation of RAF field exercises in Germany during the 1980s and 90s. Includes two areas of Harrier hides and associated traffic files (requires download of the MAIW Harrier AI package). The scenery uses object libraries from Paul Mitchell, Matthew Tomkins and MCDesign. By Manfred Schyma.

Any help would be appreciated - Mike :running:
looks like a missing texture issue... will check mine doesn't do the same... and report back :salute:
seems to be working for me.... check and make sure you have mcdmil installed and active... and the folders added, i kept the trees out to check, even re-downloaded the file, same result... netting shows...
Loks like a missing MCDMIL texture file....I had a similar problem with GSE from the same library....I went back and re-downloaded the MCDMIL libraries and that fixed it...
Loks like a missing MCDMIL texture file....I had a similar problem with GSE from the same library....I went back and re-downloaded the MCDMIL libraries and that fixed it...

Just tried that and still the same issues. Thanks very much for the assistance though Guys! Mike :salute:
Try copying the textures to the main FS9 Texture folder worked for me when I had a similar issue with another scenery.