Has anyone noticed?


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Has anyone noticed once active sky is active and link to the sim, controller/joystick response to helos is very laggy and somewhat non responsive in the aspect in banking left and right and rudder

can anyone confirm this please
Interesting that you posted this question. I've just noticed that I am having input issues in helos, but did not connect it to a peripheral.

In Prepar3Dv3.0 I'm recently experiencing these behaviors intermittently:

Rudder input is limited with the tail suddenly snapping to a position, rather than smoothly rotating.
Left and right bank is exhibiting the same behavior with the helo resisting input until a certain point where snaps to a position.

I've also noticed that the anomaly is prevalent in certain models and less in others.

The behavior is similar to an aircraft that is on autopilot and resisting stick/yoke and rudder inputs.

I hadn't checked this against AS, but I'll give that a look and post back up here.
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If this is concerning v3, I would suggest to check also if this happens without AS on. I had similar issues and they were connected with the inherent v3 controller calibration issues, hopefully to be corrected in 3.1. My solution was to assign all controls and axis calibration via FSUIPC.
I did a bunch of autogen annotation that required helo inspections today. I spent about eight hours in and out of the sim in various helos.

Windows 10 | Prepar3D v3.0 current rev.

I'm calibrated through FSUIPC.

OPUS live weater:
I had no anomalies in OPUS live weather.

P3D weather themes:
No issues.

ASNext: Current stable version but not yet updated for P3Dv3.
I do get your anomaly intermittently. Each time I closed ASN and enabled weather in OPUS, the anomaly disappeared.

It looks like there is an issue, but as I pointed out I'm using ASN in a yet to be supported format.

I'm curious...I just updated my Nvidia driver to the latest rev. I noticed some micro stutters that weren't in the previous rev. Do you run Nvidia...which driver?
My anomaly only showed up after my Nvidia update.
Currently using ASNext Beta driver for P3Dv3 and find no issue thus far. Flew the default chopper, A2A C182, and the Tigercat. Microsoft Force II joystick.
If this is concerning v3, I would suggest to check also if this happens without AS on. I had similar issues and they were connected with the inherent v3 controller calibration issues, hopefully to be corrected in 3.1. My solution was to assign all controls and axis calibration via FSUIPC.

in the past 24hrs, ive had another look

joystick calibrated via: MS control panel
joystick: x55
Sim: P3D v3

Activesky SP4 beta active: the sim is effected
no AS : Nil issues

Ive tried the full range of null zone and joystick sensitivity settings, same response as above

Ive tried it i with the:
ND AS350
Virtavia H60

so far they all have the same response when the weather engine is injected in to P3D
I havent had a chance to install many helos since installing v3, so over the weekend i will install them and have another look and see what happens
Just had a play with with MV Ch47

again same problem, however ive begin to notice its more prevalent at slower speeds than higher, at 90kts no problems however at 40kts banking and yawing its slow to respond and im lucky to get about 5-10* roll with full right or left stick

ive captured a 30sec vid via the phone so you can see the joystick movement as well as the response

it starts of at slower speeds where its more prevalent

Yeah...that's exactly what I'm seeing.

I took up the AW109 and let it drift down in a slow descending spiral with light pedal and stick. ASN weather enabled, I was getting exactly what you are experiencing.

I went to outside view and switched off ASN, the anomaly disappeared immediately and I went to a smooth state for the rest of the flight.

Weird thing is I've had this setup for a long time...CH controllers etc. I've had enough helo hours in P3Dv3 that I would have seen it right away. Never had this glitch until a few days ago and the only change has been the NVIDIA driver update. I finally terminated my Windows 10 automatic updates, so I doubt it would be related to anything coming in the back door.

P3Dv3.1 is right around the corner so I'll anticipate that we'll be in this curve for a while as the various devs work out the endless changes.

I haven't tried the REX weather engine, but I'll give that a go tomorrow AM and see if I get the same behavior.

BTW...OPUS live weather isn't creating the stutter. I don't know if you have it but it's good to go with the helos. I actually like the OPUS curve in P3Dv3 when the weather is leaning towards fair. The volumetric ground haze is really natural.
I had dramas with opus in the past, hence why I went to ASN

every time I opened opus with the sim, my ability to open aircraft doors vanished with both default and custom keybindings

The guys from opus said it was impossible for that to happen , however since I uninstalled it , ive never had that problem again
Currently using ASNext Beta driver for P3Dv3 and find no issue thus far. Flew the default chopper, A2A C182, and the Tigercat. Microsoft Force II joystick.

I'm going to have a look at that beta driver. One thing for sure...V3 takes quite a bit of finesse to dial in, but well worth the extra work.
I had dramas with opus in the past, hence why I went to ASN

every time I opened opus with the sim, my ability to open aircraft doors vanished with both default and custom keybindings

The guys from opus said it was impossible for that to happen , however since I uninstalled it , ive never had that problem again

It's always something. I'm downloading the ASN beta now. I'll install that in the (early) AM and bump back in with an update.
I installed the ASN Prepar3Dv3 friendly beta. Install was good, but no joy on fixing the helo glitch. Since TF is running ASN with no issues, and mine didn't glitch until just a few days ago, it must be coming from something recent.

Right now it's a head scratcher, but if I can isolate the cause I'll bump the thread.
This is strange, I don't see this happening on my computer.
I use ASN of course, and so far I've mainly been using the freeware Alouette... I only have the unregistered FSUIPC and a Microsoft FFB2 joystick.
I'm going to try with another copter.
Just finished a short test flight using the default BlackHawk at Bowerman (OrbX PNW) with ASN set to historic weather + synchronize to sim time, date was 29th of November 2015 at 14:30.
No issues to report. The flight controls were just fine and very responsive, as usual.
I went ahead and loaded up the Lama X chopper to test, FSUIPC not installed and ASNext active. Actually flies better than in FSX! Go figure.

One thing that I've found effects flight characteristics of most aircraft in P3D using ASN is the wind turbulence setting in the ASN options page. By default it is set at 100%, I reset mine to 30% and it's made a huge difference.

I'm still getting the same glitch with no changes or updates to my setup. If I turn off ASN the glitch goes away. I'll work with it some more to see if I can isolate the culprit.

G, please check if you have enhanced turbulence checked or unchecked, Im getting a warm and fuzzy thinking that was the problem, Since ive unchecked it, the glitch has subsided with ASN active, I think IanH is in that ball park

Wind and turbulence scale settings have not made much difference however enhanced turb on the other hand, its looking lilke in P3D it has a far greater effect than it did in previous versions and FSX

3 different helos have displayed positive control and response
That's an affirmative Jeansy...

I didn't have the enhanced effect ticked, but when I tweaked my other turbulence options down a couple of ticks everything smoothed out. It was most noticeable in the R66, but flying with the adjusted settings everything is smooth.

Awesome gentlemen...thank you. :very_drunk: