If this is concerning v3, I would suggest to check also if this happens without AS on. I had similar issues and they were connected with the inherent v3 controller calibration issues, hopefully to be corrected in 3.1. My solution was to assign all controls and axis calibration via FSUIPC.
Currently using ASNext Beta driver for P3Dv3 and find no issue thus far. Flew the default chopper, A2A C182, and the Tigercat. Microsoft Force II joystick.
I had dramas with opus in the past, hence why I went to ASN
every time I opened opus with the sim, my ability to open aircraft doors vanished with both default and custom keybindings
The guys from opus said it was impossible for that to happen , however since I uninstalled it , ive never had that problem again
Any updates on this ?
I'm still getting the same glitch with no changes or updates to my setup. If I turn off ASN the glitch goes away. I'll work with it some more to see if I can isolate the culprit.