Has Anyone Seen My Rotating Beacon?


Charter Member
I posted this question over at the FlightSim.com FS2004 forum a few weeks ago but never got an answer. Hopefully you chaps can help me out.

For reasons unknown none of my strobes, rotating beacons, recognition or nav lights are showing up on any aircraft in my inventory. Taxi and landing lights seem to be OK, but the rest aren't visible. The rotating beacon atop the vertical stabilizer of my Cessna 150 taildragger by J. E. Narcizo shows as a dim, steady red, but no strobes or nav lights on the wingtips. Occasionally, depending on the viewing angle, you can see the flash of the RB reflected in the aircraft's skin, but that's about all.

Another couple of oddities. When I take off from a grass or dirt strip, no dust is seen being kicked up but my landing gear disappears. Similarly, I added an effects file for Mike Stone's LC-130 Hercules that should show four smoke trails from the engines, but all I get is no trails but and invisible something blanking out parts of the aircraft's tail.

View attachment 7702View attachment 7703


Thanks in advance,

Hi Niel, exactly what happend to me last year!, this may sound odd but, I remember uninstalling an add-onn with an uninstall exe located inside the main FS9 directory, and overwrited the original FS9 uninstall exe,. This deleted some of the textures & effects on my effects folder, no wonder that It took so long to delete a 16 mb file, it was deleting more than just that,.

Check your effects folder, I'm pretty sure that many effects & it's textures might be missing:salute:
It could be your halo.bmp check if its in your /effects/texture or the main texture folder(s)
Thanks for getting back to me, guys. Yes, the Halo.bmp file is in the main texture folder. Now, if I had to do a re-install of FS9 - which I've never done before - would that necessitate having to manually re-install all my add-on aircraft and sceneries (both freeware and payware) as well?


You can pull the stock effects files from the install CDs and place them back in your sim. I'm not sure which of the 4 discs the files are on, but if you install the disc one at a time, and EXPLORE the disc, you can find them (they will be in a cab folder). This may be the solution to your problem.

Or...install the sim to a different directory (c:\fs9 or c:\stock) and copy and paste the effects files over from the newly installed stock install to your tweaked install.

As for the clear areas where dust/smoke should be, when I had that happen it turned out that my system just couldn't process fast enough to show fill in that kind of effect. It got much better, that is dust would show up properly, when I finally could afford a better graphics card.
You could try backing off some on autogen or cloud percentages, install a cloud set that is more frame-rate-friendly (HDE clouds by Pablo Diaz),anything that consumes processor speed or memory.
Thanks for the advice, lads. I've got the Halo.bmp file in my main texture folder, so what effects file should I be looking for on Disc #1 as I suspect something got inadvertently got dumped or purged somehow thanks to ol' fumble-fingers here?

I do have that HDE cloud set mentioned which I like a great deal, not only for the nicely rendered cloud textures but for the improved sky colours as well since I find the default FS9 sky kinda washed out looking IMO; the new set gives a much richer and more realistic appearance to the sky.

Since we're on the subject of autogen and frame rates and memory demands, etc., I'm going to ask for some advice in a while about optimizing the settings for my system which I've never really done. I'll describe what I've got shortly, but I've some errands to go run for now.



PS. Please keep in mind that knowledge of PC's, FS2004, Windows 7, and most things technical is EXTREMELY limited; I'm no wirehead, more a "kick the tires and light the fire" type but I do want to learn