Has anyone tried this...

I just did. My rig runs FS2020 at 30 to 40 FPS on Ultra to begin with. When I tried this, it brought me up to 64 to 70 PFS still maxed out on Ultra. Makes me with there was a way to disable all of these FPS choking side features that a user would rarely to never use. This alone can boost performance big time. The only issue is, the detached map window has to remain, if you minimize it, the FPS returns to your base number. You can scale down that window to a bar icon if you're willing to put up with it being in the visual plane.
One thing to be mindful of when testing this is that some programs that display your FPS such as the GeForce Experience will just display double your actual frame rate when popping out panels. I would think the best tool to monitor the actual in-game frame rate would be the tool in developer mode.
The max limit you can select in settings is 60. I just tested, and it's definitely not giving 70 FPS in the cockpit.

If you run with the V-Sync off (as I do) the Frame Rate Limiter is disabled and according to the config inputs I have seen, there basically is no frame rate cap in that mode. V-Sync On, yes, 60 FPS. I did turn it on and set FPS for 20 then set the V-Sync back off, was getting 38 to 40FPS in the Airbus VC and nearly all the other VC's without the detached map window being opened. That told me clearly that with V-Sync off the FPS limits are disabled. I am seeing conflicting data as to whether the higher FPS readings are valid or not but at either 38 to 40 FPS or the higher readings, my performance is smooth as glass in Ultra even with weather going. This i9-9900K and RTX2080ti do the business!
This i9-9900K and RTX2080ti do the business!

That's right ! :encouragement:

I went with everything Ultra initially (and V-Sync On). That's fine when i fly towards objects, i.e. looking straight ahead out the windscreen.

A whole other matter when looking over my right or left wing ! That is f.i. flying along the coast at some 100 feet while watching a big 'photogrammetry' city whizz by, in this particular case Italian Naples (that's a big treat in itself, highly recommended ! ).

(btw, i'd rather do this test then turn on an fps counter. It's 'the feeling of flight' that is important, not so much the number of fps)

Here's where the i9-9900K/RTX2080Ti doesn't do it's business very well. I'll get this really unsmooth, almost 'frame by frame stuttering by' of the city buildings which pretty much ruins the feeling of flight.

I found that this 'Nav Window' trick really helps in this case. All of a sudden everything becomes much smoother !

The thing is though that i already got that covered by turning down 'Ultra' to 'High' for just about eveything and turning V-Sync to Off. That did the trick ! And to be honest i don't think i can see the difference in fidelity of the scenery but the difference in performance is exceptional ! I get the same feeling as with flying the Aerofly F-18 a few years ago. Only here it was just the whizzing by of a mountain that provided the feeling of fast flight. In MSTS now it's a 3 million plus citizen city !

So my experience is that the Nav Window trick does work very well but only with V-Sync On and everything at Ultra. With everything at High and V-Sync Off i don't see much difference in performance with the Nav Window activated.
