Hauling freight in northern Canada


Nice shots.....one question...what the heck airplane is that? Have never seen the likes of it before. Freeware? Payware? Where can it be found?


EDIT: Wild Bill posted the answer to what it was...Google found it for me!
To OBIO and any other interested people: the type is Airspeed AS.57 Ambassador. Made in England during the late 1940s for British European Airways ("Elizabethan" class, hence nickname "Lizzie"). Powered by 2 Bristol Centaurus 661 sleeve-valve radial engines. Its competitor, the turboprop powered Vickers Viscount 700, was favored by BEA so the Lizzie had a short carreer with BEA. However she soldiered on till around 1969 with operators such as Autair, BKS, Dan-Air, Globe Air, Shell Aviation etc.
The Lizzie was also used for testing the Napier Eland, Bristol Proteus and Rolls Royce Tyne turboprop engines.

The FS2004/FS2002 version of the Ambassador is available at www.avsim.com and www.flightsim.com .

hi PeteHam,
where did you acquire the bare metal tex for this lizzie?
I have always loved the plane since fs98, but she looks really good in metal.
got a sound pack you use?

Great pics Pete!

Thanks guys for the heads up on this fantastic looking classic. Looks like a must have for the hanger.

At AVSIM, the panel&sound file got lost.

But flightsim has both packs:

FS2002 - FS2002 Aircraft FS2002/FS2004 Airspeed AS.57 Ambassador
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: as57base.zip Size: 4,954,043 Date: 03-26-2005 Downloads: 2,450
FS2002/FS2004 Airspeed AS.57 Ambassador. This is the base pack for the Airspeed AS.57 Ambassador / Elizabethan, a 1950s medium range British airliner. Includes visual models and textures for the sole surviving airframe in Dan-Air livery. This is an accurate Gmax rendition for both FS2002 and FS2004. Panel and sounds have been published separately, see AS57PNSD.ZIP. Flight dynamics by Jens Kristensen. By D-GHHH simulationware (Georg Hauzenberger and Hans Hermann).
[/SIZE]FS2002 - FS2002 Aircraft FS2002/FS2004 Ambassador Panel And Sound
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: as57pnsd.zip Size: 8,256,480 Date: 03-26-2005 Downloads: 2,161
FS2002/FS2004 Ambassador Panel And Sound. The Airspeed AS.57 Ambassador was a 1950s medium range British airliner. This file includes panel and sound only. The visual model has been published separately, see AS57BASE.ZIP. Panel built from scratch. Bristol Centaurus sound files modified from Ralph Pegram's. By D-GHHH simulationware (Georg Hauzenberger and Hans Hermann).
I just took the Ambassador for a quick hop over Stavanger:



I'm not too happy with the sounds of this pack, but as the 'Lizzie' was equipped with the Bristol Centaurus, some Hawker Sea Fury sounds and a slightly tweaked sound.cfg will get her roaring...

Here's the bare metal textures .......

FS2002 - FS2002 Aircraft FS2002/FS2004 AS.57 First Prototype
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: as57t001.zip Size: 1,214,470 Date: 06-18-2005 Downloads: 385
[SIZE=-1] FS2002/FS2004 AS.57 First Prototype. A repaint for the D-GHHH Simulationware Airspeed AS.57 Ambassador. Includes the textures for G-AGUA, the Ambassador prototype in bare metal finish. AS57BASE.ZIP is needed to use this repaint. By D-GHHH Simulationware (Georg Hauzenberger and Hans Hermann).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]As for the sounds ... I like them loud and grunty .... I aliased them to the Howard 500.[/SIZE]

I wonder why this aircraft was famous for its smooth and quiet performance:
Just tweaked OBIO's great Centaurus sound pack (bristol_centaurus_sound_pack.zip) to twin engine and made my subwoofer bounce around... :icon_lol:
I wonder why this aircraft was famous for its smooth and quiet performance:
Just tweaked OBIO's great Centaurus sound pack (bristol_centaurus_sound_pack.zip) to twin engine and made my subwoofer bounce around... :icon_lol:

That's how you know you have the sound pack dialed in....when the subwoofer bounces, the dogs run and hide, the ferrets roll themselves into the corner...and your wife comes running in and screams at you until you turn the volume down.

wait wait, about that sound tweak....
What should we do to the cfg?

while I'm at it, anybody got a suggestion for the prop textures?
For those who want a twin engine config to use with the Ambassador with the Centaurus engines....I am attaching a tweaked sound config file. Go to the download library, look under my username and down load the Centaurus sound pack. Make a copy of it and drop in the attached sound config...after removing the .txt from the end.

Too bad this plane doesn't have a VC. Not having a VC pretty much gets gets plane dumped from my hangars.

thanks OBIO for the twin config.

About the prop textures, did banana bob do a 4-blade prop blur set ?
