Have a couple of questions?


Charter Member
Hi everyone, I still dl/update the game (really long time). But would like to know if head tracking works in the game? Also any advise on initial setup. I'm giving this a try through the gamepass before I buy it.

My systen
nvidea 2070 super
32gb memmory
windows 10
Hi everyone, I still dl/update the game (really long time). But would like to know if head tracking works in the game? Also any advise on initial setup. I'm giving this a try through the gamepass before I buy it.

My systen
nvidea 2070 super
32gb memmory
windows 10

I have a similar system (you have a better CPU). For graphics you can set up the default "High-end" settings and it will be fine. You can also try "Ultra" and it will also be good, especially in rural areas.

TrackIR works. Can not say for other head trackers. VR not yet but it will come.
Just did my first flight from KBVY to KACK with Track IR. Works perfectly. Liking it so far but still getting use to the interfaces. It's a whole new concept.
